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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

UMAM users are the persons who interact with the WSO2Mobile MAM related consolesConsoles. Users can belong to either the "administrator" or "user" role type. The super tenant administrator and the MAM administrator belong to the "administrator" role type; while all other users (such as i.e., publishers, reviewers and/or end-users who access the storeStore) belong to the "user" role type. Users assigned to the "mamadmin" role can not belong to any other user role. You do not need to add users manually, if the EMM is connected to a user store. In WSO2Mobile EMM , we do does not allow user details to be edited once they have been added. In the event you  You need to change user details, simply delete the current user and create a new user, if the need arises to change user details.

Table of Contents

Creating a user


  1. On the Configurations tab in the MAM consoleConsole, click Users.
  2. Click Add User.

    MAM User ManagementImage Added

  3. Enter the user's details.
    The user's first and last name together with his/her email address is mandatory. Ensure to add a valid email address, as it will be used to send the user a registration invitation via email. The email address will also be used as the user's 
  4. Select the role type that the user should belong to.
    • User - This refers to the role assigned to the end-users. If this option is selected all the user roles will be shown in the list.
    • Administrator - If this option is selected it will add the created user to the "mamadmin" administrator role. If you select Administrator skip step 5.
  5. Optionally, select the users to be assigned to this role. The selected users appear in the right-hand list.
    • If you wish to filter the role list beforehand, enter the filter word in the filter text-box (for examplei.e., if you enter "sa", only the roles that have the word "sa" are shown).

    • If you wish to specifically select a role, click on the role in the left-hand list.
    • If you wish to add all the displayed roles to the selected list, click → →
    • If you wish to remove a role from the selected list, click on the role in the right-hand list.
    • If you wish to remove all the selected roles, click ← ←
  6. Click Add.


  1. On the Configurations tab in the MAM consoleConsole, click Users.
  2. Search for the user and click Assign Roles in the Action column.
  3. Optionally, select the users to be assigned to this role. The selected users appear in the right-hand list.
    • If you wish to filter the role list beforehand, enter the filter word in the filter text-box (for example, if you enter "sa", only the roles that have the word "sa" are shown).
    • If you wish to specifically select a role, click on the role in the left-hand list.
    • If you wish to add all the displayed roles to the selected list, click → →
    • If you wish to remove a role from the selected list, click on the role in the right-hand list.
    • If you wish to remove all the selected roles, click ← ←
  4. Click Assign. After the roles are assigned to the user, the policies associated with the roles will be enforced on the end-user's device(s).


Follow the instructions below to invite a specific end-user, to register with WSO2Mobile MAMMDM:

  1. On the Configurations tab in the MAM consoleConsole, click User.
  2. Search for the user and click Invite in the Action column.
  3. Click OK to confirm the invitation process. The selected user will receive an email inviting them to register with WSO2Mobile MAM.MDM.

View user details

Follow the instructions below to view the details regarding a user:

  1. On the Configurations tab in the MAM Console, click Users.
  2. Search for the user and click Infor in the Action column. The user's details will appear.
    Image Added 

Removing a user

Follow the instructions below to remove a user:

  1. On the Configurations tab in the MAM consoleConsole, click Users.
  2. Search for the user and click Remove in the Action column.
  3. Click OK to confirm the user removal process.