The BAM mediator can be configured early. The data to be extracted from ESB configuration context can be pre-configured. In the configuration panel, the user can specify the BAM server (Thrift server) related information in the BAM Server Profile. In each BAM Server Profile, the user should define a set of event streams that can be used at the BAM mediator declaration time. When a BAM mediator is declared in an ESB sequence, the user has to select a BAM Server Profile from the given list and a Stream (uniquely identified by a name and a version) available in the selected BAM Server Profile.
Installing BAM Mediator Aggregate Feature
1. Download WSO2 ESB version 4.5.x or later from http://wso2.com/products/enterprise-service-bus. Since BAM Mediator Aggregate
feature is available by default from ESB 4.6.0 onwards, you do not have to install it separately if you use a newer ESB version.