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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  1. Download the RSS mysql script from here.

  2. Connect to the MySQL server form mysql client and execute the following queries.



Properties named 'javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName' and 'javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword' should be MySQL database credentials.


Setting up Other BAM configurations

If you are using the RSS in another server instance other than in the inbuild BAM instance or you have changed the port offset, then you have to do the following modifications to hive-rss-config.xml.

  1. Go to $BAM_HOME/repository/conf/advanced/hive-rss-confg.xml.

  2. Check and edit the following properties.

    No Format

    Here the rss-server url should be the server url of the RSS running WSO2 server. Note even if you are using the inbuilt rss within the BAM server you are using, if you have changed the port-offset of BAM server you will have to correct the rss-server-url in this config according to your port offset. [ie, if port offset is set to '1', then the rss-server-url should be]. Rss-server-admin-userName and rss-server-admin-password are the super tenant credentials of the RSS server instance. If you are using the RSS instance in the same BAM server, then you don't need to change these as far as the super tenant user name and password hasn't been changed.


Make sure you have downloaded the MySQL driver jar and included that in $BAM_HOME/repository/components/lib directory.

 If you are going to use mysql server to write the summarised data of hive query, then you should include the my sql driver in the $BAM_HOME/repository/conf/advanced/hive-site.xml and include the driver in $BAM_HOME/repository/components/lib directory. you need to include the my sql driver jar to the hive auxiliary jars properties, as shown below and restart the server. Please note that x.x.x is mysql driver version, and you should include your correct name/path to your mysql driver path.



If you have done all the steps mentioned above, then you have configured BAM to operate in MT mode. Now you can restart the server get all configurations loaded, and work in MT mode.