Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Field NameMandatoryDescription
ToYesThe email address of the intended recipient of the email. Multiple recipients can be specified as comma-separated email addresses.
FromNoThe email address of the sender. If this field is not specified, the default email address specified in the activiti.xml file will be used.
SubjectNoSubject of the email.
CCNoThe email addresses of the carbon copy receivers of the email. Multiple recipients are separated by commas.
BccNoThe email addresses of the blind carbon copy receivers of the e-mail. Multiple recipients are separated by commas.
CharsetNoCharset of the email can be changed.
HtmlNoThe content of email is in HTML format.
TextNoContent is in non-HTML format.

Sample Email Server Configuration

The Activiti engine sends e-mails using an external mail server. The following steps guide you through a sample email server configuration for the Email task. 
