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Table of Contents


This example is related to sample demonstrates how to filter incoming event attributes and add them to another topic using simple pass-through with JMS adaptor adapter and WS-Event-Local adaptor. Here there is no adapter. Because we do not use any execution plan used (hence here, there is no any Siddhi query). Here we are just filtering some incoming event attributes, adding to a another topic and passing to it.  



  1. See Prerequisites


  1. in CEP Samples Setup page.


  1. Copy the ActiveMQ JMS related JARs referred in JMS Transport to <CEP_HOME>/repository/components


  1. /lib directory.
  2. Copy the following JARs from ActiveMQ distribution directory to <CEP_HOME>/samples/lib directory.
    • <ActiveMQ_HOME>/activemq-all-5.7.0.jar

    • <ActiveMQ_HOME>/lib/ geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar


    Start the ActiveMQ server before the CEP server starts.

Building the sample 

Start the WSO2 CEP server with the sample


configuration numbered 0003. For instructions, see Starting sample CEP configurations. This sample configuration does the following:

  • Creates <CEP_HOME>/repository/conf


  • /stream-manager-config.xml file, which is used to create the stream definitions


  • for the sample.


  • Points the default Axis2 repo


  • to


  • <CEP_HOME>/sample/artifacts/


  • 0003 (by default, the Axis2 repo is <CEP_HOME>/repository/deployment/server)


  • .

Executing the



  1. Open another terminal and switch a new terminal, go to <CEP_HOME>/samples/consumers/log-service and run the below command. This will build the sample run the following command:


    ant -DsampleNo=0003

    It builds the axis2 sample log service and deploy deploys it in the axis2 repository that is relevant to the specified sample. After proper deployment, the web service will be able to Web service can receive messages sent from the CEP server. Below you can see

  2. Note the logs in the CEP server when LogService.aar is deploying. For example,


    ant -DsampleNo=0003

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    Then, We need to Configure the LogService in order to receive the output events emitted by

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  3. Create PurchaseOrders topic in the local broker and subscribe LogService on that topic.

    It enables the LogService to receive output events from the CEP server under the PurchaseOrders topic. Here we will be creating PurchaseOrders topic in the local broker and subscribe  LogService on that topic.Click on "Add" menu item under "Topics" Menu in Manage section of the left panel. Then Specify the topic name in the topic input text box, in this case topic name is : "PurchaseOrders" PurchaseOrders topic.
  4. Log in to the CEP management console and click the Add menu under Topics menu.
  5. Provide the topic name as PurchaseOrders (the output topic) and click on 'Add Topic' button. This will add . It adds the topic to the server and you will be directed to the Topic Browser page.
    Once you click on the topic in topic browser page you will be able see four links as in the bellow image. Click in the subscribe link and you will be directed
  6. to Subscribe pageThe Topic Browser page opens with the topic created before. Click the Subscribe link associated with it.
  7. The Subscribe page opens. Create subscription with following details. Once you are done click the Subscribe button.
    Image RemovedNow subscription to the specific topic is done. Now we can :
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    You are now subscribed to the topic and ready to send events to the CEP. 

  8. From Open another terminal switch , go to <CEP_HOME>/samples/producers/purchase-info/ and run ant from there. This will build and run

    It builds and runs the jms producer, which will send some sends purchase information data to the CEP server.

  9. From this terminal, you will be able to view the details of the events sent. Below is the sample screen shot when sending events.For example,

  10. Once the step 3 is done successfully, you will be able to see the output events received from the CEP via the terminal opened in step 2.

  11. Below is the console output in the CEP server when events are Go to the console output of the CEP server and note the events received after processing.  For example,

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