This guide demonstrates a service for getting quotations, which uses business rules for creating quotations.
Before executing this sample, it is recommended that you refer Exposing Rules as ServicesExposing Rules as Services which explains in detail the process of writing and deploying a business rule.
Sample Configuration
Sample Rule Definition
Rule 1: If the customer has bronze status, then the item costs five dollars.
Rule 2 : If the customer has silver status, then the item costs four dollars.
Rule 3 : If the customer has gold status, then the item costs three dollars.
There is a fact named A customer made a get quote request
. Quotation
is used to capture the result of the rules execution.
package samples.userguide; package samples.quotation; /** * Customer fact */ public class Customer { private String status; public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } } package samples.quotation; /** * Quotation result */ public class Quotation { private int price; public int getPrice() { return price; } public void setPrice(int price) { this.price = price; } }
Rule Service Configuration (service.rsl)
<ruleService name="GetQuoteService" xmlns="" targetNamespace="http://com.test/quotation"> <ruleSet> <rule resourceType="regular" sourceType="inline"> <![CDATA[ package quotation import samples.quotation.Customer; import samples.quotation.Quotation; rule "Gold Customer" when Customer( status == "gold" ) then Quotation q = new Quotation(); q.setPrice(3); insertLogical(q); end rule "Silver Customer" when Customer( status == "silver" ) then Quotation q = new Quotation(); q.setPrice(4); insertLogical(q); end rule "Bronze Customer" when Customer( status == "bronze" ) then Quotation q = new Quotation(); q.setPrice(5); insertLogical(q); end ]]> </rule> </ruleSet> <operation name="getQuote"> <input wrapperElementName="placeCustomerDetail" namespace="http://com.test/placeCustomerDetail"> <fact elementName="customerDetail" namespace="http://com.test/placeCustomerDetail" type="samples.quotation.Customer"></fact> </input> <output wrapperElementName="placeCustomerDetailRespone" namespace="http://com.test/placeCustomerDetail"> <fact elementName="getQuotation" namespace="http://com.test/placeCustomerDetail" type="samples.quotation.Quotation"></fact> </output> </operation> </ruleService>
Deploying and Testing the Service
1. Deploy the rule service through the BRS management console. You can follow either of the two methods:
- Bundle all artifacts in an .aar file and upload it (Rule Service -> Upload menu).
- Create using the Rule Service wizard UI (Rule Service -> Create menu).
The above steps are discussed in detail in Exposing Rules as Services.
2. After deployment, the service will appear in the Deployed Services window of the BRS management console. Access the service's dashboard by clicking on it.
3. In the Client Operations
widget of the dashboard, invoke the Try-it tool to test the service.
4. In the service's Try-it window, issue a request similar to the following.
Client Operations
widget of the dashboard to invoke the service. A client using generated stub codes is shown below where the codes were generated with option "Unpacks the databinding classes".
package org.wso2.carbon.samples; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.quoteService.customerDetail.Customer; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.quoteService.customerDetail.PlaceCustomerDetail; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.quoteService.customerDetail.Quotation; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.quoteService.stub.GetQuoteServiceStub; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public class GetQuoteServiceTestCase { public static void main(String[] args) { try { GetQuoteServiceStub getQuoteServiceStub = new GetQuoteServiceStub("http://localhost:9763/services/GetQuoteService"); PlaceCustomerDetail placeCustomerDetail = new PlaceCustomerDetail(); Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setStatus("gold"); Customer[] customers = new Customer[1]; customers[0] = customer; placeCustomerDetail.setCustomerDetail(customers); Quotation[] quotations = getQuoteServiceStub.getQuote(customers); int result = quotations[0].getPrice(); System.out.println(result); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { axisFault.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }