This section demonstrates a few practical examples of the WSO2 Business Activity Monitor, their objectives and expected behavior.
Toolbox that comes with these samples is using embedded H2 database to persist summarized data. Out-of-the-box, it only works with the default BAM installation. If the default settings are changed (port offset and h2 database), respective hive scripts should be edited accordingly. eg:- If BAM server offset=1, you should update the hive script as, "cassandra.port" = "9161"
The following minimum requirements should be satisfied to run the samples.
- Java Development Kit/JRE version 1.6.x or later. For installation instruction, refer to Installation Prerequisites.
- Apache Ant 1.7.0 or later. For installation instruction, refer to section Installation Prerequisites.
- Cygwin, if you are on Windows: BAM analytics framework depends on Apache Hadoop, which requires Cygwin ( in order to run in Windows. If you are on Windows, install at least the basic net (OpenSSH,tcp_wrapper packages) and security related Cygwin packages. After Cygwin installation, update the PATH variable with ";C:\cygwin\bin" and restart the server.