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Creating and Deploying a Carbon Application

This section describes how to use WSO2 Developer Studio to develop individual artifacts and export them as a single C-App artifact that you can deploy in the ESB. 

After you create individual artifacts and export them as a CAR file, you can upload the CAR file into your ESB instance.

Tip: When you create a CAR file with artifacts, ensure that each artifact name is the same as the relevant artifact file name. 

Follow the instruction below to upload the CAR file into your ESB instance, via the Management Console.

  1. Click the Main tab on the Management Console, go to Manage -> Carbon Applications and then click Add.

    The Add Carbon Applications screen appears. 
  2. Click Choose File, select your CAR file and click Upload.

    • The CAR files that you upload are dropped to the <PRODUCT_HOME>/tmp/carbonapps/{tenant-ID} directory.
    • As an alternative to uploading the C-App via the management console, you can manually copy the CAR archive into the <ESB_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/carbonapps directory, and it will be deployed.
    • Manual deployment in a multi-tenanted environment is not recommended if you are not aware of the tenant ID.

After you upload the CAR file, follow the step given below to check whether the CAR file is successfully deployed:

  • Click the Main tab on the Management Console, go to Manage -> Carbon Applications and then click List. The Carbon Applications List screen appears. If successfully deployed, the C-App will be listed here.


  • In a CAR file, if a particular artifact name is different from the relevant artifact file name, re-deploying the CAR file fails with an error.
  • If a CAR file has one or more artifacts that have a artifact name different from the relevant artifact file name, removing those artifacts from memory fails when you delete the CAR file.