Installing Apache ActiveMQ on Windows

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Installing Apache ActiveMQ on Windows

The Apache ActiveMQ client libraries must be installed to enable JMS transport and try out JMS samples in some WSO2 products. In case any other JMS provider is used (e.g. Apache Qpid), install any necessary libraries and/or components.


Refer to Installation Prerequisites for the list of all applications necessary to install and work with the WSO2 product you plan to install.

Follow the instructions below to install Apache ActiveMQ on Windows.

Step 1. Download Apache ActiveMQ

1. Open a Web browser and access the following URL:


2. Apache ActiveMQ home page opens.  There is a link to the latest version on the homepage. Follow this link if the version is compatible with the WSO2 product you intend to use.

3. The link to the latest stable version is usually at the top of the page, separated from the general list. Follow the link.

4. Go to the "Getting the Binary Distributions" section of the page and follow the download link for Windows.

5. The link redirects to the page suggesting a mirror site for the download. Follow the link on the page.

6. The download dialog opens. Click "OK" to start the download.

Step 2. Extract the Archive

After the download is complete, extract files to a user-defined folder. For example, C:\WSO2\apache-activemq-5.5.0.

Step 3. Run Apache ActiveMQ

Follow the instructions below to run Apache ActiveMQ.

1. Open the Windows command prompt (CMD).

2. Use the following command to change the current directory to the ActiveMQ installation directory:

cd <activemq_install_dir>

where "<activemq_install_dir>" is the directory where ActiveMQ files were extracted to. For example, 

3. Execute the following command to run ActiveMQ:


4. Apache ActiveMQ will start running.The operation log will be displayed.