Setting up WCF Message Publisher
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Setting up WCF Message Publisher

WCF message publisher is used to publish WCF messages to WSO2 BAM through the BAM Rest API.

Installing WCF Message Publisher

You follow the steps below to bind WCF message publisher to WCF service application to be monitored using WSO2 BAM.

  1. Download the following files from https:// github.com/wso2/bam-data-publishers/tree/master/WCF/WCFMessagePublisher/bin/Release:

    • WCFMessageInterceptor.dll
    • WCFMessagePublisher.dll
    • WSO2BamRestApi.dll
  2. Copy the .dll files to the bin directory of WCF-Service Application.

  3. Create the file IISMessageInterceptor.config in the parent directory of where you hosted the WCF-Service application. For example, if the service you host is in iis-express, then, the config file IISMessageInterceptor.config needs to be created in the home directory of iis_express, which is C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express, in Windows, by default.

    This is a normal XML file containing the <RestApi> parent element, which contains mandatory sub elements such as host (ip-address), port, username and password. For example,

  4. Bind the WCFMessagePublisher.dll to the application using .net configuration.

  5. Add the following configuration to the Xpath location configuration/system.serviceModel of the .net configuration file (App.config/Web.config) and bind the WCF Message Publisher to the application.

      <add scheme="http" binding="customBinding"/>
        <add name="BAMPublisher" type="WCFMessagePublisher.BAMPublisherElement, WCFMessagePublisher"/>

    In the above configuration,

    • BAMPublisherElement.BAMPublisherElement is the binding class to the application
    • WCFMessagePublisher is the assembly(.dll) name
  6. Start the WSO2 BAM server.
  7. Call your service and see the data on BAM.
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.