com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Developing Web Applications

Web components packaged in Web Application Archives (WAR) can be deployed in WSO2 AS as web applications. This includes any generic web application, JAX-RS/JAX-WS application or Spring application that is packaged into WAR files. For more information on WAR files, please refer to

Note that it is not allowed to have Web applications named 't.war'.

The following topics explains these different types of web applications deployable in AS, and how they should be developed for WSO2 AS:

Generic web applications

Once you have developed your web application, see that the following is in place before you build the .war file:

  1. The class files and the web.xml file should be in the archive directory. The hierarchical directory structure of the web archive for a generic web application is shown below.

  2. If you want to configure your web application by enabling SaaS mode or CORS, see the topic on Configuring Applications for AS.
  3. If you want to use more advanced configurations for your web application, such as enabling Single Sign On (SSO), enabling fine grained authorization using XACML, see the Working with Applications topic.

JAX-RS/JAX-WS applications

JAX-WS and JAX-RS are popular Java APIs for implementing XML-based web applications and RESTful web applications respectively. WSO2 AS uses Apache CXF as the framework for deploying and managing JAX-WS/JAX-RS web applications. You can easily develop JAX-WS/JAX-RS web applications using WSO2 Developer Studio.

The following topics explain in detail how you can use the JAX-WS/JAX-RS specifications to develop and secure your applications:

Spring applications

See the following topics for information:

Spring dependencies
  • Only the following subset of the spring packages (Spring Framework version 3.1.0) are delivered with AS:
  • spring-xml (version : 2.0.3.RELEASE)
  • org.springframework spring-core (version : 3.1.0)
  • org.springframework spring-beans (version : 3.1.0)
  • org.springframework spring-context (version : 3.1.0)
  • org.springframework spring-web (version : 3.1.0)

  • If the application needs any other spring packages, they need to be deployed with the application itself.
  • Projects that are built with Spring 2.5 or higher versions will be backward compatible with delivered version of Spring Framework. However, it is recommended to build your application with Spring 3.1.0 before deployment.
  • If the application is based on a higher version of the Spring framework, then that version needs to be deployed with the application. The framework which is deployed with the application will be given the priority in the run time.
CXF environment
  • The following sub packages of Spring 3.0.7 are shipped with the Application Server CXF environment. 
  • spring-aop
  • spring-asm
  • spring-beans
  • spring-context
  • spring-core
  • spring-expression
  • spring-web

  • If the user wants to upgrade the Spring versions, one of the following actions can be carried out: 
  • Remove existing Spring JARs from the <product_home>/lib/runtimes/cxf directory and replace them with the new JARs.
  • Include the required JARs inside the WEB-INF/lib directory of the application and deploy it in the Tomcat runtime environment.

If you want to use more advanced configurations for your web application, such as enabling Single Sign On (SSO), enabling fine grained authorization using XACML, enabling SaaS mode or CORS; see the Working with Applications topic for instructions.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.