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Removing Unused Tokens from the Database

As you use the WSO2 Identity Server (IS), the number of revoked, inactive and expired tokens accumulates in the IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN table. These tokens are kept in the database for logging and audit purposes, but they can have a negative impact on the server's performance over time. Therefore, it is recommended to clean them periodically as given in the instructions below:

Tip: It is safe to run these steps in read-only mode or during a time when traffic on the server is low, but that is not mandatory.

  1. Take a backup of the running database. 
  2. Set up the database dump in a test environment and test it for any issues.

    Tip: We recommend that you test the database dump before the cleanup task as the cleanup can take some time.

  3. Depending on your database, select the appropriate token cleanup script from here and run it on the database dump. This takes a backup of the necessary tables, turns off SQL updates and cleans the database of unused tokens.

  4. Once the cleanup is over, start the WSO2 Identity Server pointing to the cleaned-up database dump and test throughly for any issues. 
    You can also schedule a cleanup task that will be automatically run after a given period of time. Here's an example: