com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.



Components in the Carbon platform add functionality to all WSO2 Carbon-based products. For example, the statistics component enables users to monitor system and service level statistics. A component in the Carbon platform is made up of one or more OSGi bundles, which is the modularization unit in OSGi similar to a JAR file in Java. For example, the statistics component contains two bundles: one is the back-end bundle that collects, summarizes, and stores statistics, and the other is the front-end bundle, which presents the data to the user through a user-friendly interface. This component-based architecture of the WSO2 Carbon platform gives developers flexibility to build efficient and lean products that best suit their unique business needs simply by adding and removing components.

Default Endpoint

A default endpoint is an endpoint defined for adding Quality of Service (QoS) and other configurations to the endpoint, which is resolved from the To address of the message context.


An endpoint is a specific destination for a message. It may be specified as an Address endpoint, WSDL endpoint, a Failover group, a Loadbalance group, and more. Endpoints can be added, edited, and deleted.

Embedded Registry Instance

The Embedded Registry Instance makes use of the embedded H2 database and the data files are stored by default in <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/database. If you run the product in the embedded registry mode, you should be careful not to manually alter any files stored in this directory as that might lead to database corruption or data loss.

Key Store

The Key Store used to encrypt administrator passwords and other confidential information in Carbon is configured in <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xml file. This keystore configuration can be found under the <security> element of the carbon.xml file.

Local Registry Entries

The Local Registry Entries are used to define locally resources such as scripts, schemas, WSDLs, policies and other resources in a configuration. They are not uploaded or fetched from the Integrated Registry. They are static. An entry that exists in the Local Registry has higher precedence over an entry with the same name that exists in the integrated registry.

Port offset

The port offset feature allows you to run multiple WSO2 products, multiple instances of a WSO2 product, or multiple WSO2 product clusters on the same server or virtual machine (VM). The port offset defines the number by which all ports defined in the runtime such as the HTTP/S ports will be offset. For example, if the HTTP port is defined as 9763 and the portOffset is 1, the effective HTTP port will be 9764. Therefore, for each additional WSO2 product, instance, or cluster you add to a server, set the port offset to a unique value (the default is 0).

Port offset can be passed to the server during startup as follows:
./ -DportOffset=3

Alternatively, you can set it in the Ports section of <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xml as follows:


An XML-based, extensible message envelope format, with "bindings" to underlying protocols. The primary protocols are HTTP and HTTPS, although bindings for others, including SMTP and XMPP, have been written.


An XML format allows service interfaces to be described along with the details of their bindings to specific protocols. It is typically used to generate server and client code and for configuration.

WSDL Endpoint

WSDL Endpoint is an endpoint definition based on a specified WSDL document. The WSDL document can be specified either as a URI or as an inlined definition within the configuration.

WSO2 DSS Management Console

WSO2 DSS Management Console is a Web based control panel powered by JSP and AJAX. It enables system administrators to interact with a running WSO2 product instance without touching any underlying configuration files.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.