This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Running the Product

The following sections describe how to run WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI).

Starting the Integration profile

  • If you are using IBM JDK 1.8, change the value of the org.owasp.csrfguard.PRNG.Provider property to 'IBMJCE' in the <EI_HOME>/conf/security/ file.
  • The data integration functionalities of WSO2 EI comes with the ESB profile. Therefore, you need to start the ESB profile to use them.
  1. Open a command prompt (or a shell in Linux) and go to the <EI_HOME>\bin directory.
  2. Execute one of the following commands:
    • To start the Integration profile in a typical environment:
      • On Windows:integrator.bat --run
      • On Linux/Mac OS:sh

    • To start the Integration profile in the background mode of Linux: sh start
      To stop the Integration profile running in this mode: sh stop

    • To provide access to the production environment without allowing any user group (including admin) to log in to the Management Console:

      • On Windows: integrator.bat --run -DworkerNode
      • On Linux/Mac OS: sh -DworkerNode
    • To check for additional options you can use with the startup commands, type -help after the command, such as: 
      sh -help.
  3. The operation log keeps running until the Integration profile starts, which usually takes several seconds. Wait until the Integration profile fully boots up and displays a message similar to "WSO2 Carbon started in n seconds."

Starting the Business Process profile

If you are using IBM JDK 1.8, change the value of the org.owasp.csrfguard.PRNG.Provider property to 'IBMJCE' in the <EI_HOME>/wso2/business-process/conf/security/ file.

  1. Open a command prompt (or a shell in Linux) and go to the <EI_HOME>\wso2\business-process\bin directory.
  2. Execute one of the following:
    • On Linux/Mac OS:  sh

    • On Windows:  wso2server.bat

  3. The operation log keeps running until the Business Process profile starts, which usually takes several seconds. Wait until the Business Process profile fully boots up and displays a message similar to "WSO2 Carbon started in n seconds."

Starting the Message Broker profile

If you are using IBM JDK 1.8, follow the steps below to start the message broker profile.

  1. Replace all the 'SunX509' entries in the <EI_HOME>/wso2/broker/conf/broker.xml file with 'IbmX509' as follows:

      <sslConnection enabled="true" port="8672">
  2. Change the value of the org.owasp.csrfguard.PRNG.Provider property to 'IBMJCE' in the <EI_HOME>/wso2/broker/conf/security/ file.

  1. Open a command prompt (or a shell in Linux) and go to the <EI_HOME>\wso2\broker\bin directory.
  2. Execute one of the following:
    • On Linux/Mac OS: sh

    • On Windows: wso2server.bat

  3. The operation log keeps running until the Message Broker profile starts, which usually takes several seconds. Wait until the Message Broker profile fully boots up and displays a message similar to "WSO2 Carbon started in n seconds."
    • Open the Message Broker Management Console using  https://localhost:9446/carbon, and log in using admin as the username as well as the password.

Starting the MSF4J profile

  • Before starting the MSF4J profile, copy the JAR files of your services to the <EI_HOME>/wso2/msf4j/deployment/microservices/ directory.
  • If you are using IBM JDK 1.8, change the value of the org.owasp.csrfguard.PRNG.Provider property to 'IBMJCE' in the <EI_HOME>/conf/security/ file.
  1. Open a command prompt (or a shell in Linux) and go to the <EI_HOME>\wso2\msf4j\bin directory.
  2. Execute one of the following:
    • On Linux/Mac OS: sh

    • On Windows: carbon.bat

  3. The operation log keeps running until the MSF4J profile starts, which usually takes several seconds. Wait until the MSF4J profile fully boots up and displays a message similar to "WSO2 Carbon started in n seconds."

For more information on sample use cases of MSF4J, see the WSO2 MSF4 GitHub Documentation.

Starting the Analytics profile

  • When starting the analytics profile, you may intermittently get a BindException error (i.e., Cannot assign requested address: Service 'sparkDriver' failed after 16 retries!) if the Apache Spark client does not start properly (due to an issue in socket binding on computers with multiple IP interfaces). Add the same hostname that you specify in the /etc/hosts file of your system as the value of the <HostName> element in the <EI_HOME>/wso2/analytics/conf/carbon.xml file to rectify this.
  • If you are using IBM JDK 1.8, change the value of the org.owasp.csrfguard.PRNG.Provider property to 'IBMJCE' in the <EI_HOME>wso2/analytics/conf/security/ file.
  • If you get the Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.xerial.snappy.Snappy exception when starting WSO2 EI Analytics in certain environments such as Windows or Red Hat linux, download the snappy-java_1.1.1.7.jar file and add it to the <EI_HOME>/lib directory.
  1. Open a command prompt (or a shell in Linux) and go to the <EI_HOME>\wso2\analytics\bin directory.
  2. Execute one of the following:
    • On Linux/Mac OS:sh

    • On Windows:wso2server.bat

  3. The operation log keeps running until the Analytics profile starts, which usually takes several seconds. Wait until the Analytics profile fully boots up and displays a message similar to "WSO2 Carbon started in n seconds."

If you want to optimize the size of the distribution and run a selected profile, execute the following scripts:

  • On Linux/Mac OS: sh

  • On Windows: profile-creator.bat

However, this creates a distribution of the selected profile in the <EI_HOME> directory and deletes all the files that are not required to run the selected profile. Therefore, you may loose any changes you did to the other profiles.

Stopping a profile

To stop a profile, press Ctrl+C in the command window, or click the Shutdown/Restart link in the navigation pane in the Management Console. 

Working with the Management Console

The following sections provide more information about working with the Management Console:

Working with the URL

The URL appears next to “Mgt Console URL” in the start script log that is displayed in the command window.

The URL should be in the following format: https://<Server Host>:<Management Console Port>/carbon/

You can use this URL to access the Management Console on this computer from any other computer connected to the Internet or LAN. When accessing the Management Console from the same server where it is installed, you can type localhost instead of the IP address. For example, if you need to access the Management Console of the Integration profile, the URL should be as follows:  https://localhost:9443/carbon

You can change the Management Console URL by modifying the value of the <MgtHostName> property in the <EI_HOME>/conf/carbon.xml file. When the host is internal or not resolved by a DNS, map the hostname alias to its IP address in the /etc/hosts file of your system, and then enter that alias as the value of the <MgtHostName> property in carbon.xml. For example:

In /etc/hosts:       localhost

In carbon.xml:
Signing in

At the sign-in screen, you can sign in to the Management Console using admin as both the username and password.

When the Management Console sign-in page appears, the Web browser typically displays an "insecure connection" message, which requires your confirmation before you can continue.

The Management Console is based on the HTTPS protocol, which is a combination of HTTP and SSL protocols. This protocol is generally used to encrypt the traffic from the client to server for security reasons. The certificate it works with is used for encryption only, and does not prove the server identity. Therefore, when you try to access the Management Console, a warning of untrusted connection is usually displayed. To continue working with this certificate, some steps should be taken to "accept" the certificate before access to the site is permitted. If you are using the Mozilla Firefox browser, this usually occurs only on the first access to the server, after which the certificate is stored in the browser database and marked as trusted. With other browsers, the insecure connection warning might be displayed every time you access the server.

This scenario is suitable for testing purposes, or for running the program on the company's internal networks. If you want to make the Management Console available to external users, your organization should obtain a certificate signed by a well-known certificate authority, which verifies that the server actually has the name it is accessed by and that this server actually belongs to the given organization.

Configuring the session time-out

If you leave the Management Console unattended for a defined time, its login session will time out. The default timeout value is 15 minutes, but you can change this in the <EI_HOME>/conf/tomcat/carbon/WEB-INF/web.xml file as follows.
