WSO2 Developer Studio Documentation
Welcome to the WSO2 Developer Studio 3.8.0 documentation! Developer Studio is a one-stop solution for almost all the development tools you will ever need for creating middleware applications based on the award-winning WSO2 Carbon platform. It provides a complete Eclipse-based SOA development environment and immensely simplifies creation of artifacts with graphical editors and management of the links and dependencies between these services. You can easily test, debug, and deploy your artifacts as Composite Application aRchives (CAR) onto your WSO2 Carbon-based servers or onto a WSO2 Stratos-based cloud.
This documentation provides information on setting up and using Developer Studio. It is structured by topics most frequently searched for by users. For a comprehensive, end-to-end coverage of the entire product, its important subject areas, and the advanced configurations, we recommend that you follow the defined order of topics.
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