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BPEL Property Reader Extension

Note that WSO2 EI is shipped with the following changes to what is mentioned in this documentation:

  • <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/samples/ directory that includes all Business Process profile samples and their artifacts is changed to <EI_HOME>/samples/business-process/.

The is a sample extension that allow users to read external values from either a property file or from registry into a BPEL process instance. Accompanied file is a sample properties file used to demonstrate the usage.  

How to run  

  1. Clean and build the following with maven  
  2. Copy the created jar file to the BPS_HOME/repository/components/lib directory.
  3. Add the following configuration entry to bps.xml in BPS_HOME/repository/conf directory.

    <tns:WSO2BPS xmlns:tns="">
       <tns:runtime class="org.wso2.bps.samples.propertyreader.PropertyReaderExtensionBundle"/>


  4. C opy  into <BPS_HOME>/repository/conf directory. 
  5. Restart the server if the server is already running. Now you are ready to use the property-reader extension in your BPEL process.
  6. Get the property-reader BPEL sample from this location.  
  7. Extract the and upload the to the registry (either config or governance registry) or keep in the file system.
  8. Deploy the PropertyReader BPEL process .
  9. Invoke the process and compare the results with configurations.

In the PropertyReader_1.0.0/PropertyReader.bpel config

  • Declare the Extension Activity as:

         <bpel:extension namespace="" mustUnderstand="yes" />

  • Assign the properties to variables:

        <propr:readProperties location="">
            <property name="property1">
                <to variable="test"></to>
            <property name="property2">
                <to variable="test2"></to>