WSO2 Integration Studio
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WSO2 Integration Studio

WSO2 Integration Studio is a development environment used to design your integration scenarios and develop them. This is Eclipse-based and can be used to develop services, features and artifacts as well as manage their links and dependencies through a simplified graphical editor.


When you start using WSO2 Integration Studio, one of the first decisions you have to make is where to store your projects and files. This location is called the workspace. The Workbench is essentially different windows and editors that can be used for various purposes related to your workspace. This includes, the Project Explorer, the Editor, Template Guide, Outline, etc. Multiple Workbench windows can be opened simultaneously for an enhanced and fine-tuned developer experience. 


You can associate different editors with different types of files. For example, when you open a file for editing by double-clicking it in one of the navigation views, the associated editor opens in the Workbench. If there is no associated editor for a resource, the Workbench attempts to launch an external editor outside the Workbench. (On Windows, the Workbench will first attempt to launch the editor in place as an OLE document. This type of editor is referred to as an embedded editor. For example, if you have a .doc file in the Workbench and Microsoft Word is registered as the editor for .doc files in your operating system, then opening the file will launch Word as an OLE document within the Workbench editor area. The Workbench menu bar and toolbar will be updated with options for Microsoft Word.)  

Any number of editors can be open at once, but only one can be active at a time. The main menu bar and toolbar for the Workbench window contain operations that are applicable to the active editor.  

Tabs in the editor area indicate the names of resources that are currently open for editing. An asterisk (*) indicates that an editor has unsaved changes.   

By default, editors are stacked in the editor area, but you can choose to tile them in order to view source files simultaneously.

Here is an example of a text editor in the Workbench. This is the source view of a .pom file.

Project explorer

The Project Explorer provides a view of all the files and folder structure within a project.


The Outline view displays an outline of a structured file that is currently open in the editor area, and lists structural elements. It enables you to hide certain fields, methods, and types, and also allows you to sort and filter to find what you want. The contents of the Outline view are editor specific. For example, in a Java source file, the structural elements are classes, fields, and methods. The contents of the toolbar are also editor specific.


The properties view displays property names and values for a selected item such as a resource. Toolbar buttons allow you to toggle to display properties by category or to filter advanced properties. Another toolbar button allows you to restore the selected property to its default value.


The Console View displays a variety of console types depending on the type of development and the current set of user settings. 

The three consoles that are provided by default with the Eclipse Platform are:

  • Process Console - Shows standard output, error, and input
  • Stacktrace Console - Well-formatted Java stacktrace with hyperlinks to specific source code locations
  • CVS Console - Displays output from CVS operations

Template guide

The template guide includes a list of sample projects that represent integration scenarios. You can use these to explore WSO2 EI and see a sample of how it addresses common integration problems.

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