This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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About this Release

What's new in this release

WSO2 IS version 5.2.0  is the successor to version 5.1.0 . It contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • The WSO2 Identity Server analytics component is used to analyze authentication statistics. For more information on the WSO2 Identity Server analytics component, see Analytics.
  • WSO2 Identity Server now supports Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) for the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant Type. It is able to mitigate code interception attacks that may occur during authentication. See Mitigating Authorization Code Interception Attacks for more information. 
  • The WSO2 IS can now issue SAML 2.0 security tokens for WS-Federation (Passive).  The previous version of the Identity Server was only capable of issuing SAML 1.1 tokens for the passive security token service. See Configuring WS-Federation Single Sign-On for more information. 
  • You now have the ability to configure OpenID Connect Single Logout as the WSO2 Identity Server now supports the OpenID Connect Session Management specification. This means that any relying party application can now monitor the session/login status of a user who has logged in through the WSO2 Identity Server and automatically logs out any end-users who have logged out. For more information about this feature, see  Configuring OpenID Connect Single Logout
  • The UserStoreCountService is a new API supported by WSO2 Identity Server that you can use to take a count of the number of users or roles in the userstore. For more information on this API, see Counting Users and Roles with APIs.

This release is a WUM-only release. This means that there are no manual patches and any further fixes or latest updates for this release can be updated through the WSO2 Update Manager (WUM). For more information, see Getting Started with WUM.

Deprecated Features

Fixed and known issues

Compatible versions

For information on the Carbon platform version and Carbon Kernel version of WSO2 IS 5.2.0, see the Release Matrix.

All WSO2 products that are based on a specific Carbon Kernel version are expected to be compatible with each other. If you come across any compatibility issue, contact team WSO2.