About this release

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About this release

What is new in this release

WSO2 Identity Server (WSO2 IS) version 5.8.0 is the successor of version 5.7.0, and contains the following new features and enhancements:

What has changed in this release

The design architecture of the current data publishers in WSO2 Identity Server (i.e. the analyticsSessionDataPublisher, analyticsLoginDataPublisher and AuthenticationAuditLogger) have been deprecated and changed in this release.The new implementation consists of event handlers that subscribe to authentication events.

Compatible versions

For information on the Carbon platform version and Carbon Kernel version of WSO2 IS 5.8.0, see the Release Matrix.

All WSO2 products that are based on a specific Carbon Kernel version are expected to be compatible with each other. If you come across any compatibility issue, contact team WSO2.

Fixed issues

For a complete list of improvements and bug fixes available with this release, see WSO2 IS 5.8.0 - Fixed Issues.

Known issues