Setting up the Environment

The content in this documentation is for older versions of WSO2 products. For updated information on Enterprise Integration Patterns, go to the latest Micro Integrator documentation.

Setting up the Environment

Follow the steps below to set up the environment to try out the examples given in each enterprise integration pattern.

  1. To deploy the back-end service SimpleStockQuoteService, navigate to the <ESB_HOME>/samples/axis2Server/src/SimpleStockQuoteService directory and execute the ant command in a new Console tab. 

    For more information on deploying sample back-end services, go to Deploying sample back-end services in WSO2 ESB documentation.

  2. To start an Axis2 server instance, navigate to the <ESB_HOME>/samples/axis2Server directory and execute the corresponding command in a Console tab. 

    • On Windows: axis2server.bat
    • On Linux/Solaris: ./axis2server.sh

    By defualt, Axis2 runs on HTTP port 9000 and HTTPS port 9001. In some samples, you may need to start multiple Axis2 server instances. For example, you can start two instances of the Axis2 server to run in ports 9000 and 9001 by executing the following commands in two new tabs of the Console:

    • ./axis2server.sh -http 9000 -https 9002 -name MyServer1
    • ./axis2server.sh -http 9001 -https 9003 -name MyServer2

    For more information, go to Starting the Axis2 server in WSO2 ESB Documentation.

  3. Download and install WSO2 ESB Tooling. 

    The samples in this guide are tested on JDK 1.8 and Eclipse Mars 2. For more information, see Installing WSO2 ESB Tooling in WSO2 ESB Documentation.

  4. Import the archive (ZIP) file you downloaded to WSO2 ESB Tooling. For instructions, see Importing Existing Projects into Workspace in WSO2 ESB Documentation.

  5. Run the WSO2 ESB server. For instructions, see Running WSO2 ESB via Tooling in WSO2 ESB Documentation.

If you want to try the samples using the Management Console, create a Composite Application (CAR file) of the project you imported, click MainCarbon Applications, and upload it to WSO2 ESB.