com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Performance Analysis Results

This section presents the results of the latest performance test carried out for WSO2 Stream Processor.

These performance statistics were taken when the load average was below 3.8 in the 4 core instance.

Consuming events using a Kafka source

Specifications for EC2 instances

  • Stream Processor: c5.xLarge

  • Kafka server: c5.xLarge

  • Kafka publisher: c5.xLarge

Siddhi application used


@App:description('Consume events from a Kafka Topic and publish to a different Kafka Topic')

define stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double);

define stream KafkaSourceThroughputStream(count long);

from SweetProductionStream#window.timeBatch(5 sec)
select count(*)/5 as count
insert into KafkaSourceThroughputStream;


  • Average Publishing TPS to Kafka : 1.1M

  • Average Consuming TPS from Kafka: 180K

Consuming messages from an HTTP source

Specifications for EC2 instances

  • Stream Processor : c5.xLarge

  • JMeter: c5.xLarge

Siddhi application used


@App:description('Consume events from http clients')

@source(type='http', worker.count='20', receiver.url='',
define stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double);

define stream HttpSourceThroughputStream(count long);

from SweetProductionStream#window.timeBatch(5 sec)
select count(*)/5 as count
insert into HttpSourceThroughputStream;


  • Average Publishing TPS to Http Source : 30K

  • Average Consuming TPS from Http Source: 30K

Sending HTTP requests and consuming the responses

Specifications for EC2 instances

  • Stream Processor : c5.xLarge

  • JMeter: c5.xLarge

  • Web server : c5.xLarge

Siddhi application used


@App:description('Consume events from an HTTP source, ')

@source(type='http', worker.count='20', receiver.url='',
define stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double);

@sink(type='http-request', l,'production-request', publisher.url='', @map(type='json'))
define stream HttpRequestStream (batchNumber double, lowTotal double);

@source(type='http-response' ,'production-request', http.status.code='200',
define stream HttpResponseStream(batchNumber double, lowTotal double);

define stream FinalThroughputStream(count long);

define stream InputThroughputStream(count long);

from SweetProductionStream
select 1D as batchNumber, 1200D as lowTotal
insert into HttpRequestStream;

from SweetProductionStream#window.timeBatch(5 sec)
select count(*)/5 as count
insert into InputThroughputStream;

from HttpResponseStream#window.timeBatch(5 sec)
select count(*)/5 as count
insert into FinalThroughputStream;


  • Average Publishing TPS to HTTP Source : 29K

  • Average Publishing TPS from HTTP request sink: 29K

  • Average Consuming TPS from HTTP response source: 29K

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.