Deployment Synchronization with Github
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Deployment Synchronization with Github

This section describes how to use the existing github repository with the Stratos 2.0 Environment.

Subscribe to Cartridge

  1. Login to Stratos 2.0 using CLI.  

    $./stratos.sh admin@telecom.org password


  2. Subscribe to the PHP Cartridge.

    stratos>subscribe php myphpapp --repoURL <git-repo-url> --username <username> --password <password>

    Command Argument Description

    PHP Cartridge
    Alias name for the PHP application.

    URL of the GIT repository containing the myphpapp.
    Example:  https://github.com/lakwarus/myphpapp.git

    Username for provided GIT account.
    Password for provided GIT account.

    The myphpapp application is now ready to use. You can now add your own domain URL to access your application. For more information see Custom domain mapping.


Custom domain mapping

Suppose you need to give your own domain “myphp.com” to access the application at
You do not have to provide own domain information at the time of subscription. It is only after subscription that you can add the domain mapping using CLI tool.

  • To add domain mapping use the command below:  

    stratos>add-domain-mapping as myphp.com

    The output displayed will be that of the  Stratos domain that you had at the time of subscription.

  • Add following entry to the  /etc/hosts  file for testing purposes, if you do not wish to register a CNAME now. myphp.com

Now inform Stratos2 about your applications. For more information see Setting a service hook at Github.


Setting a service hook at Github

Follow the steps mentioned below to set a service hook at the GitHub in order to inform Stratos2 ADC about the applications deployed:

  1. Go to the the GitHub website.
  2. Select repository.
  3. Click Goto Settings.
  4. Click Service Hooks.
    The list of available service hooks will appear. 
  5. Click the WebHook URLs option.
  6. Add ADC Notification Service in the URL textbox.
    Example:   https://stratos-controller-host:9445/repo_notification
  7. Click Update Settings.


com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.