This section explains how to integrate Oracle Service Bus (OSB) with WSO2 Governance Registry (G-Reg) and publish OSB artifacts like proxy services to G-Reg.
- Install OSB 11g. Refer [1] for more details.
- You need to download G-Reg 4.6.0.
Oracle is capable of publishing their proxy services to a UDDI [2] registry. So WSO2 G-Reg has an embedded UDDI registry (based on Apache JUDDI). What we are doing here is to expose G-Reg’s UDDI interface to OSB, so that it can publish its proxy services to G-Reg. G-Reg is capable of creating governance artifacts like Services, WSDLs, Schemas and etc for the corresponding proxy services.
To integrate OSB with G-Reg:
- Unzip G-Reg pack and start the server with -Duddi=enable.I.e., for UNIX: / -Duddi=enable.
- Login to OSB server and create a new session if you have not yet done it.
- Go to System Administration > UDDI Registries and click Add Registry.
- Now follow the exact steps as in [3].
Here you need to provide the corresponding UDDI service interfaces/credentials as follows.