When you create a proxy service, a default WSDL is generated for it automatically. However, the default WSDL only shows the mediate
operation and does not provide the client with any information about the message format or parameters expected by the back-end service. To provide clients with this information, you can publish a custom WSDL based on the back-end service's WSDL, or if you don't want to publish all the operations of the back-end service, you can publish a modified version of the WSDL. For example, if the back-end service expects a message to include the name, department, and permission level, and you want the proxy service to inject the permission level as it processes the message, you could publish a WSDL that includes just the name and department and omits the permission level parameter, since that data will be added by the proxy service.
To publish a custom WSDL for this proxy service, select one of the "Publishing WSDL" options:
If the WSDL definition includes dependencies on other resources that are in the registry, add those resources.
Specify in-line
Enter the WSDL definition in the text area.
Specify Source URL
Enter the URI of the WSDL in the text box, and then click Test URI to ensure it is available. A URI consists of a URL and URN. The URL defines the host address of the network resource (can be omitted if resources are not network homed), and the URN defines the resource name in local "namespaces."
For example: URI = ftp://ftp.dlink.ru/pub/ADSL
where: URL = ftp://ftp.dlink.ru
URN = pub/ADSL
Pick From Registry
If the WSDL is saved as a registry entry, select this option and choose the reference key of that registry entry from the Governance Registry or Configuration Registry. For more information, see Working with the Registry.
Adding WSDL resources from the registry
If the WSDL has dependencies on items that you have saved in the registry, you map their location as specified in the WSDL to their key in the registry. For example, assume the WSDL imports the metadata schema as follows:
<xsd:import namespace=http://www.wso2.org/test/10 schemaLocation="metadata.xsd" />
In this case, the location is specified in the WSDL as metadata.xsd
, so enter metadata.xsd
in the Location field and then specify the registry key of the metadata.xsd
file either by typing the key or clicking the appropriate registry and selecting it. After specifying the location and key, click Add Resource.
You can delete a WSDL Resource using the "Delete" button in the "Action" column.