
This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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All data found in the Registry can be searched in the WSO2 Governance Registry interface. Search can be refined by resource name, created date range, updated date range, created user, updated user, Associations, tags, comments, property name, property value, and Media type.


To search for matches containing a specific pattern, use the "%" symbol. Please note that this is only for "resource name", "created by", "updated by" and "property value" fields.


To enter more than one term in tags, use comma (",") as the separator. To enter more than one term in keywords, use space (" ") as the separator.


You can also search for a resource using a "tag" search. See Searching by Tags.


You can also search for a resource depending on its name,registry location or by media type using Xpath Query Search. See Xpath Query Search

Follow the instructions below to find a necessary resource in the Registry.

Steps to Search 

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the Management Console.

2. Click the "Main" button to access the "Resources" menu.

3. From the left navigation menu, under "Resources", select "Search".

4. The "Search" window appears.

The search can be refined by:

  • Resource Name
  • Keywords - Various keywords found in the resource content. Refer Content Search section. 
  • Created Date Range - The date when a resource was created and the negation of the date range as well.
  • Updated Date Range - The date when a resource was updated and the negation of the date range as well.
  • Updated by - The author of a resource updating and the negation of the author as well.
  • Created by - The author of a resource creation and the negation of the author as well.
  • Tags
  • Comment
  • Association Type - Type of the Association (E.g. - usedBy) 
  • Association Destination - The path of the associated resource. 
  • Property Name
  • Property Value
  • Media Type - Media type of the resource and the negation of the type.


to learn more information about Media types, please, visit the Adding a Resource page.


Created or updated dates can be either entered in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or used the date picker user interface provided.

5. Click on the "Search" button.

6. The results will be displayed in the "Search" window.

From here you can generate PDF, HTML and Excel reports. Click on the the relevant links. 

To set new search parameters, click on the "Load" button and you'll be taken to the window described above.

Content Search 

Resources found in the registry can be searched by content through Key Words search option. Text appearing in the resource content can be used to find the resource using this feature. Simply enter the text you are looking for in Key Words and do a search, resources that contain the text you entered will be listed as search results.

 Words entered by the user will be matched as whole words in the resource content. Resources that have one or more words entered under Key Words above will appear in search results. Governance Registry currently supports searching inside resources containing plain text, XML content (including WSDLs, Schemas, Policies, etc.), PDF files, Word documents, Excel documents and Power Point documents. Additional indexers for other media types could be added with registry.xmldefined in Configuration for Indexing.

 See also URL Accessibility For Searches Sample.