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Integrating with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a service that allows you to track visits to a website and generate detailed statistics on them. You can configure App Manager to track web application invocation statistics through Google AnalyticsThis guide explains how to set up App Manager to feed runtime statistics to Google analytics for summarization and display.

  1. If you are not already subscribed, set up a Google Analytics account and receive a tracking ID in the format of UA-XXXXXXXX-X. A tracking ID is issued at the time an account is created with Google Analytics.

  2. In the <AppM_HOME>/repository/conf/app-manager.xml file, set the <Enabled> property to true and, enter the tracking ID obtained from Google Analytics as the value of the <TrackingID> property, within the <GoogleAnalyticsTracking> element as shown below.


       <!-- Enable/Disable Google Analytics Tracking -->
       <!-- Google Analytics Tracking ID -->
  3. Save the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/app-manager.xml file, and restart the App Manager instance.

  4. Once App Manager is set up, place the below JavaScript code snippet into the pages that you need to track to integrate it with your Google Analytics account.

    <script language="javascript" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script language=”javascript”>
        function invokeStatistics(){         
        var tracking_code = ["<AM_TRACKING_CODE>"];         
        var request = $.ajax({        
            url: "http://<AM_GATEWAY_URL>:8280/statistics/",        
            type: "GET",        
            headers: {            

    The above script should include the tracking code of your applications (which is generated when you publish an application), and the request URL pointing to the App Manager gateway. When the pages that include the above snippet are invoked, App Manager will publish statistics to the enabled analytics engines (BAM / Google Analytics or both).

Real-time statistics

Following image shows an invocation of a specific Web application. The Google Analytics graphs and statistics are displayed at runtime in its Real Time view. The below example displays the page views per second graph, and one as the number of active users.

Reporting statistics

Google Analytics reporting statistics take more than 24 hours from the time of invocation to populate. Shown below is a sample dashboard with populated statistics.


When a single device or client invokes a Web application via App Manager, each device/client is tracked using an anonymous cookie per application. This ensures the fact that successive invocations by a client on the same application, are not counted as a new visitor to that application.