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Monitoring the ESB

WSO2 ESB provides a variety of options to monitor and manage the server runtime, through a number of monitoring tools in its Management Console as well as Java Management Extensions (JMX). Results provided by these convenient, yet powerful ESB monitoring mechanisms can be used to tune message flows, detect mediation faults, and track usage patterns.

This page introduces monitoring in the following sections:

Mediation Statistics 

Mediation statistics allow you to collect runtime statistical information on sequences, proxy services, and endpoints. For more information, see Mediation Statistics.

Transport Statistics, System Statistics and System Logs 

WSO2 ESB Management Console provides ways to monitor System Statistics Transport Statistics and System Logs SOAP Tracer and  Mediation Tracer are some additional monitoring tools provided by WSO2 ESB.

JMX Monitoring 

WSO2 ESB exposes a number of management resources as JMX MBeans that can be used for managing and monitoring the running server. These MBeans can be accessed remotely using a JMX client such as JConsole. For more information, see JMX Monitoring.

SNMP Monitoring

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks. Given below is how to configure SNMP in WSO2 ESB, which exposes various MBeans via SNMP.  

1. Download the following jar files from and add to <carbon_home>/repository/components/lib.

  • snmp4j-2.1.0.jar
  • snmp4j-agent-2.0.6.jar
2. Enable SNMP in repository/conf/ file by adding the following entry.



3. This enabled the ESB server to monitor MBeans with SNMP. For example:

Monitoring Info : OID branch "" with the following sub-branches:1 - ServerManager MBean

2- Transport MBeans

3 - NHttpConnections MBeans

4 - NHTTPLatency MBeans

5 - NHTTPS2SLatency MBeans