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Advanced Message Queueing Protocol

AMQP is a wire-level messaging protocol used by WSO2 MB for message-queueing.

Enabling the transport

The <MB_HOME>/repository/conf/broker.xml file contains parameters relating to the configuration of the AMQP transport. The transport can be enabled as shown in the following extract of the broker.xml file.

<amqp enabled="true">
	<!-- most of the amqp configurations reside in qpid-config.xml since we inherit the qpid messaging model during AMQP.-->

Related Parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value
enabledIf the value of this parameter is true, the AMQP transport is enabled and the AMQP protocol will be applied to messages sent to the specified listening port.true
portThe listening port specified for the AMQP transport. The AMQP broker would be initialized with this port by default.5672
sslPortThe listening SSL port for the specified AMQP transport. The AMQP security socket will be initialised with this port by default. 8672
maximumRedeliveryAttemptsThe maximum number of times the WSO2 MB should attempt to redeliver a message which has not reached a subscriber. For example, when this value is set to 10, another 10 attempts will be made to deliver the message. The default value can be changed depending on your reliability requirements.10
allowSharedTopicSubscriptionsIf this parameter is true, a durable subscription to a topic can be shared among multiple subscribers. That is, multiple clients can subscribe to a topic in MB using the same client ID. Read more about durable subscriptions to topics.false
If this parameter is true, the queue names and topic names will be validated according to the AMQP specification. When this parameter is false, it is possible to use ":" in topic names.

Refer the description of the broker.xml file for further details.