com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Adding and Deleting Users

This documentation explains how you can create user accounts and roles to define access to the management console of your product. Before you start, note the following:

  • The option of adding, modifying and removing user accounts and roles is only available for administrators with privileges. Read about realm configurations for details on how to set up administrators. 
  • The user stores of your product should already be set up and configured, so that the new users and roles you create using the management console can be saved in them. Read about configuring user stores for more details. 
    For example, the user name and password that you define for a new user will be validated against the 'RegEx' configurations of the user store at the time the user/role is created. This validation ensures that details such as the length of password, user name, role name etc. conform to the requirements of the user store. Shown below is the default 'RegEx' configuration for the primary user store in your product.

    PasswordJavaRegEx-------- ^[\S]{5,30}$
    PasswordJavaScriptRegEx-- ^[\S]{5,30}$
    UsernameJavaRegEx-------- ^~!#$;%*+={}\\{3,30}$
    UsernameJavaScriptRegEx-- ^[\S]{3,30}$
    RolenameJavaRegEx-------- ^~!#$;%*+={}\\{3,30}$
    RolenameJavaScriptRegEx-- ^[\S]{3,30}$

Go to the relevant topic listed below for details:


Adding a new user and assigning roles 

Follow the instructions below to add a new user account and configure its role.

1. Log on to the product's Management Console. In the "Configure" menu, click "Users and Roles" to access "System User Store."

For example,

Users and roles

2. Then click on the "Users" link.

User management

The "Users" link is only visible to users with "Admin" permission. It is used to add new user accounts and modify or delete existing accounts.

3. Click on the "Add New User" link.

Add new user

4. The "Add User" window opens. The first step requires you to enter the user name and password. If you want to add a user with the default "Everyone" role, click "Finish". Else, click "Next" to define a user role other than the default.

add new user

5. If you proceed to the next step, a window will appear for you to select the roles to be assigned to the user. This can be done by selecting the appropriate check-boxes or using the "Select all"/"Unselect all" links.

Add mew user role

6. Click "Finish" once done.

A new user account will be created with the specified roles. The user name is displayed in the "Users" list.

WSO2 user management

Deleting an existing user 

 Follow the instructions below to delete a user.

 1. Log on to the product's Management Console and select "Users and Roles" under the "Configure" menu. For example,

users and roles

2. Then click on the "Users" link to view the users list.

user management

3. From the list of users, select the one you want to delete and click the "Delete" link associated with it.

Delete user

4. A confirmation request message is displayed. Click "Yes".

You can't undo this operation once performed.

confirm user deletion

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.