com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.
WSO2 Stratos 2.0 is the next major version of WSO2 Stratos 1.x, that includes polyglot language and environment support together with the ability to run on top of multiple IaaS runtimes.
The following are the key features available in Stratos 2.0:
Key Feature | Description |
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Pluggable architecture support for adding new Cartridges |
Support for non-carbon and WSO2 Carbon Cartridges |
Puppet based Cartridge creation | Support for Puppet based Cartridge creation for WSO2 Carbon Cartridges. |
Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) with Cartridge support |
Multiple IaaS support | Production support is provided for AWS EC2, while experimental support is provided for Openstack and vClouds IaaS providers. However, theoretically support can be provided for any IaaS that jclouds supports. Go to for more information on jclouds. |
Policy based autoscaling into different IaaSes |
S2 Cloud Controller (CC) | CC leverages jclouds' APIs and provides a generic interface to communicate with different IaaSes. |
Topology Synchronization | The service topology is maintained in CC and shared across the S2 components both periodically and on change basis. |
Git based deployment synchronizer | Allows users to use their own Git repository to sync artifacts with a service instance. |
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Interactive CLI Tool |
Custom domain mapping support | Tenants can add their own domain for a Cartridge, using the domain mapping functionality. |
Usage metering and billing | Metering measures levels of resource utilization, while billing is the process where the cloud computing service subscribers are charged based on the metered data. |
Demo purpose internal GIT repository support | In the Pre-configured EC2 image we have provide a build-in Git server for use as demo purpose. |
Demo ready public Amazon EC2 Stratos 2.0 setup | An EC2 image with an AMI ID is provided for users to experiment with Stratos 2.0. |
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.