Integrating with WSO2 Governance Registry Services
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Integrating with WSO2 Governance Registry Services

WSO2 Governance Registry is a registry-repository for storing and managing metadata related to service and other artifacts. The Governance Registry maintains RXTs referring to APIs you create using the API Publisher. When you publish an API, it gets exposed in the API Store for users to consume. Usually, API publication is done using the API Publisher Web interface. Instead, you can integrate the API Manager with the Governance Registry to directly publish the artifacts relevant to the API over to the API Store.

The following steps apply to WSO2 Governance Registry version 4.6.0 or after.

Follow the steps below to publish services on Governance Registry to API Manager.

    1. Download and run both Governance Registry and API Manager.

      When running more than one WSO2 products on the same server, you have to change the default port of one product in order to prevent port conflicts. To do this, change the <offset> value of one product in <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xml file. In this example, we set the port offset value of Governance Registry to 1 as follows: <Offset>1</Offset>

      Important: If you offset the default APIM port, you must also change the default API endpoints and the Thrift port accordingly. See Changing the Default Ports with Offset.

    2. In WSO2 Governance Registry 4.6.0 , we do a simple POST to publish the API to Store. It does not involve registry mounting.

      Next, provide API Manager credentials in <GREG_HOME>/repository/resources/lifecycles/configurations.xml file. For example, the following code block defines an execution element under production state. It provides the API Manager's endpoint, username and password as executor parameters.

      <execution forEvent="Publish" class="org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.executors.apistore.ApiStoreExecutor">
         <parameter name="apim.endpoint" value="http://localhost:9763/"/>
         <parameter name="apim.username" value="admin"/>
         <parameter name="apim.password" value="admin"/>
         <parameter name="default.tier" value="Unlimited"/>
         <parameter name="throttlingTier" value="Unlimited,Unlimited,Unlimited,Unlimited,Unlimited"/>
  1. Run the API Manager. If its default port isn't changed, you can access the server using the following URL: https://<HostName>:9443/carbon.

    1. Run the Governance Registry. If its default port isn't changed, you can access the server using the following URL: https://<HostName>:<9443+offset>/carbon.
  2. Log in to the Governance Registry's management console and create a new service in it. Attach the default service life cycle to it. For instructions on how to add a new service and associate a new life cycle, see http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/Governance453/Managing+Services in the Governance Registry documentation.  
    1. Promote the service until it gets to the production state.  
  3. Once it is in the production state, publish it using the Publish button.

    You should get a confirmation message once the API is successfully published.

    1. You have now published a service in the Governance Registry. Open the API Store to see that this service is successfully created as an API.

You should use Secure Vault to secure the API Manager username and Password in a production deployment. See below steps to add the configuration to secure vault.

Adding API Manager username and password to secure vault.

  1. Run ciphertool.sh/.bat with -Dconfigure parameter.
  2. Add apim.username and apim.password as aliases to ciper-text.properties
  3. Run cipertool.sh/.bat and encrypt username and password values.
  4. Add the encrypted text to ciper-text.properties after the other ailas and encrypted pairs.



      5. Restart the server.




com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.