This documentation is for WSO2 ESB version 4.5.0. View documentation for the latest release.

Adding Proxy Service with HL7 Transport

The HL7 Transport  is available as an installable feature in WSO2 ESB. The user can plug it in if case of necessity and create a Proxy Service with this transport.

Follow the instructions below to create a Proxy Service with HL7 transport.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. Plug in the HL7 transport. See Installing HL7 Transport.

3. Create a Proxy service. See Adding a Proxy Service.

This Proxy will receive HL7-client connections and send them further to HL7-server. It will also receive XML-messages with HTTP/HTTPS, and, transforming in HL7, send them further. On the way back, messages will be transformed into XML.


Add the following parameter to the proxy service:

<parameter name="transport.hl7.Port">9292</parameter>

Otherwise the Proxy will be considered as "faulty" one and the HL7 transport will be switched off.


As an endpoint use the Address Endpoint with the URL such as hl7://localhost:9988. This URL consists of the host and port of HL7-server. For example, localhost:9988

Proxy Service with HL7 Example

<proxy xmlns="" name="hl7testproxy" transports="https,http,hl7" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true">
             <log level="full" />
             <log level="full" />
             <send />
          <endpoint name="endpoint_urn_uuid_9CB8D06C91A1E996796270828144799-1418795938">
             <address uri="hl7://localhost:9988" />
       <parameter name="transport.hl7.Port">9292</parameter>