Sample Deployment Policy Definition
The configuration included in the deployment-policy.json
 file is as follows:
{ "id":"isuruh-ec2", "partitionGroup":{ "id":"ec2", "partitionAlgo":"one-after-another", "partition":[ { "id":"P1", "partitionMax":"3", "partitionMin":"1" } ] } }
Parameter definitions
Deployment policy definitions
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Example Value |
id | Unique ID of the deployment policy. | Yes | N/A | Dep-policy1 |
partitionGroup | This defines one or more partitions that are network bound and where communication among the partitions take place very efficiently. For example, in EC2 a partition group can be defined with multiple partitions that belong to the same region.  You can add parameter definitions on multiple partition groups if required. For more information, see Partition Groups. | Yes | N/A | N/A |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Example Value |
id | Unique ID of the partition group. | Yes | N/A | EC2-Group1 |
partitionAlgo | This defines the sequence used to spawn up instances when scaling up. For more information, see Partition Algorithm. | Yes | N/A | round-robin, one-after-another |
partition | This defines the conditions that will be applied to the partitions that have already been deployed. Â You can add parameter definitions to define the conditions that will be applied on multiple partitions if required. For more information, see Partitions. | Yes | N/A | N/A |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Example Value |
id | This defines the ID of the partition that is already deployed . | Yes | N/A | P1 |
partitionMax | This defines the maximum number of instances that will be maintained for each subscription in a specific partition when scaling up. The autoscaler will always ensure that the system will not scale-up above the limit specified even in situations when there is a high load of requests in-flight. Thereby, using this parameter it is possible to control the number of instances that the autoscaler can start. As a result, when you pay for the instances that you start up, it is very useful to set this parameter. | Yes | N/A | 5 |
partitionMin | This defines the minimum number of instances that will be maintained for each subscription in a specific partition when scaling down. Thereby, using this parameter it is possible to set a limit to the number of service instances that are maintained in the system at any given time. The autoscaler will ensure that the system will not scale down below this value even in situations where there are no considerable service requests in-flight. | Yes | N/A | 1 |