White Labeling WSO2 EMM Android Agent
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

White Labeling WSO2 EMM Android Agent

Changing Android Agent related logos and icons

  1. Checkout the source from the following location:
  2. Navigate to the <EMM_AGENT_ANDROID>/res/ directory.
    1. Navigate to the drawable-xxhdpi/ folder and change the following:
      • Change the ic_launcher.png (144px X 144px) file in order to change the icon. For more information, go to the Android icon guide
      •  Change the ic_logo.png (240px X 72px), repeat_bg.png  (277px X 125px) file logos in order to change the header logos.  

    1. Navigate to the drawable-xhdpi/ folder.
      • Change the ic_launcher.png (96px X 96px) file to change the icon.
      • Change the ic_logo.png (160px X 48px) file in order to change the logos.
    2. Navigate to the drawable-hdpi/ folder.
      • Change the ic_launcher.png (72px X 72px) file in order to change the icon.
      • Change the ic_logo.png  (120px X 36px) and repeat_bg.png  (122px X 55px) files in order to change the logos.
    3. Navigate to the drawable-mdpi/ folder.
      • Change the ic_launcher.png (48px X 48px) file to change the icon.
      • Change the ic_logo.png  (80px X 24px) files in order to change the logos.
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.