Deploying Dynamic Client Registration API v0.1

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Deploying Dynamic Client Registration API v0.1

WSO2 Open Banking for Australia currently supports only evaluation purposes. This is available only as a WUM update and is effective from December 02, 2019 (12-02-2019). For more information on updating WSO2 Open Banking, see Updating WSO2 Products.

This document explains how to publish the Dynamic Client Registration API in WSO2 Open Banking.

  1. Sign in to the API Publisher (https://localhost:9443/publisher) with creator/publisher privileges.
  2. Click ADD NEW API.

  3. Select I Have an Existing API option.
  4. Select the Swagger File option and browse for the Swagger definition by clicking the Browse button. Use the WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME/repository/resources/finance/apis/consumerdatastandards.org.au/DynamicClientRegistration/0.1/au-dcr-swagger.yaml  file to configure the properties according to the open-banking specification. 
  5. You are directed to the Design API stage. Design General Details are loaded for you in the Design tab.
  6. Click Next: Implement to navigate to the next level.
  7. Expand Managed API and set Endpoint Type by selecting Dynamic Endpoint from the drop-down list.
  8. Under Message Mediation Policies, check Select a message mediation policy to be executed in the message flow.

  9. Click Upload In Flow and upload the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/finance/apis/consumerdatastandards.org.au/DynamicClientRegistration/0.1/ dcr-dynamic-endpoint-insequence-0.1.xml file.

  10. Click Next: Manage to navigate to the next level.
  11. Under Subscription Tiers, check the option Unlimited : Allows unlimited requests unless you want to limit the requests. 

  12. Expand  API Properties and add the following as  Additional Properties and click the +  button to proceed.

    Property Nameob-api-type
    Property Valuedcr

  13. Click Save & Publish.

  14. The published DCR v0.1 API is available in the API Store (https://localhost:9443/store).

What's Next

Now that you have deployed the DCR API, try out the API as instructed in Dynamic Client Registration v0.1.