com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Qpid JMS Event Publisher

Qpid JMS event publisher is used to publish events in map, XML, JSON, and text formats via JMS transport.


Follow the steps below to set up the prerequisites before starting the configuration.

  1. Install Qpid JMS Broker and Qpid JMS Client.

  2. Configure WSO2 CEP by adding relevant jars to support JMS transport.
  3. Register a connection factory in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/ For example, if the connection factory JNDI name is TopicConnectionFactory, it will point the default Qpid host to localhost and port to 5672 as shown below. Furthermore, add the topics to be sent to the Qpid broker in the format: topic.{topicName} = {topicName}

    topic.topicMap = topicMap
    topic.topicJSON = topicJSON
  4. Start Qpid Broker, and then start the product. 

Creating a Qpid JMS event publisher

For instructions on creating a Qpid JMS event publisher, see Publishing Events .  

Configuring adapter properties

Specify the Static and Dynamic Adapter Properties, when creating a Qpid JMS event publisher using the management console as shown below.

Qpid JMS publisher

After entering the above adapter properties, select  the  Message Format   which you want to apply on the published events . Also, click  Advanced  to define custom output mappings based on the  Message Format  you selected. For more information on custom output mapping types, see  Publishing Events in Various Event Formats.

You can also define the respective adapter properties of the event publisher based on the transport type within the  <to>  element of the event publisher configuration in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/eventpublishers/ directory as follows.

<eventPublisher name="QpidJMSOutputEventAdapter" statistics="disable" trace="disable" xmlns="">
  <to eventAdapterType="jms">
    <property name="java.naming.factory.initial">org.apache.qpid.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory</property>
    <property name="java.naming.provider.url">repository/conf/</property>
    <property name="transport.jms.UserName">jms-user</property>
    <property encrypted="true" name="transport.jms.Password">JP4yDiEh6HogOEjJzQQwHaJFIWZlnJTzaERl4eYrwukNeypm36R+odMkaN9b2q4H9jBQsRV+mhcT1wQVnBpEZn4a+SuFuLKh3NihDEgww6R1tZVo8p1D6TUKvSHXYEpwSOgKrkOmdaFEOQOjfdhfK3Hrnjkz/MYPYQknrLK5MIY=</property>
    <property name="transport.jms.DestinationType">topic</property>
    <property name="transport.jms.Header">header_name1:header_value1,header_name2:header_value2</property>
    <property name="transport.jms.Destination">test_topic</property>
    <property name="transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName">TopicConnectionFactory</property>

The above adapter properties are described below.

Static adapter properties 

Adapter Property
Configuration file propertyExample
JNDI Initial Context Factory Class The JNDI initial context factory class. The class must implement the java.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory interface


JNDI Provider URL URL of the JNDI provider


Username Valid username for the JMS connection
Password Valid password for the JMS connection
Connection Factory JNDI Name The JNDI name of the connection factory
Destination Type The sort order for messages that arrive on a specific destination
Destination The topic or queue to which WSO2 CEP/DAS sends messages by publishing.

Dynamic adapter properties 

Adapter PropertyDescriptionConfiguration file propertyExample
Header Define transport headers as a valid header name in a header value pair format  transport.jms.Header header_name1:header_value1,header_name2:header_value2 

Related samples

For more information on Qpid event publisher type, see the following sample.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.