This documentation is for WSO2 ESB version 4.0.3. View documentation for the latest release.

TCP Transport

The TCP transport implementation is a fairly new addition to the Apache WS-Commons Transports project. Even though this transport is still in its early days, it is good enough to be used in production environments. The two classes that act as the transport listener and the sender are org.apache.axis2.transport.tcp.TCPServer and org.apache.axis2.transport.tcp.TCPTransportSender respectively. In order to use the transport axis2-transport-tcp.jar should be added to the Carbon classpath.

Transport Receiver Parameters

Parameter Name



Possible Values

Default Value


The port on which the TCP server should listen for incoming messages


A positive integer less than 65535



The host name of the server to be displayed in WSDLs etc


A valid host name or an IP address


Transport Sender Parameters

The TCP transport sender does not accept any configuration parameters as of now.

For more information see Transports.