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The OAuth Token Revocation functionality is available with WSO2 Identity Server and follows this specification. There are two endpoints exposed as a result of the token revocation feature.

  1. REST endpoint at /oauth2endpointsoauth2/revoke
  2. SOAP endpoint at /services/OAuthAdminService with operation revokeAuthzForAppsByResourceOwner


Code Block
curl -X POST --basic -u "4xTplVAiQEwrBF6wYSW3cpyqYDoa:GREoG5f80kmg7uHNed2YwfJSxlQa" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -k -d "token=d23e96c9bf2818fe5b4db0f8dbe829bb&token_type_hint=access_token" https://localhost:9443/oauth2endpointsoauth2/revoke

The token parameter used here can be an access token or refresh token. The token_type_hint parameter is optional. This parameter can take values of eitherĀ access_token or refresh_token. The Identity Server uses this parameter to speed up the process of looking up the token by searching first in the set of tokens the client specifies (access_token or refresh_token). If the token is not to be found in the set the client claims it to be in, then the server looks for the token in the other set (refresh_token or access_token).


You can find this webapp at <WSO2_IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps/oauth2endpointsoauth2.war. Rather than editing the web.xml directly in the deployed directory, its easier to copy the oauth2endpointsoauth2.war file into another location, edit the web.xml and copy it back into the webapps folder and it gets hot deployed.


Code Block
curl -X POST --basic -u "4xTplVAiQEwrBF6wYSW3cpyqYDoa:GREoG5f80kmg7uHNed2YwfJSxlQa" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -k -d "token=d23e96c9bf2818fe5b4db0f8dbe829bb&token_type_hint=access_token&callback=package.myCallback" https://localhost:9443/oauth2endpointsoauth2/revoke

The callback parameter is optional.