This section explains the following REST operations regarding the associations of the resource which has have been secured with OAuth 2.0.
Table of Contents |
Note | ||||||||||||||
The following terms explain the meaning of the parameters passed with the following REST URIs.
Note |
The { start page } and { number of records } parameters can take any value greater than or equal to 0. The { start page } and { number of records } begins with 1. If both of them are 0, then all the associations are retrieved. |
Get all
the Associations on a
Attributes | Values |
HTTP Method | GET |
Request URI | /associations?path={ resource path }&start={ start page }&size={ number of records } |
HTTP Request Header | Authorization: Bearer { OAuth access token } |
Response | It retrieves all the associations posted on the specific resource. |
Response Type | JSON |
Associations of
Specific Type on a
Given Resource
Attributes | Values |
HTTP Method | GET |
Request URI | /associations?path={ resource path }&type={ association type } |
HTTP Request Header | Authorization: Bearer {OAuth access token} |
Response | It retrieves all the associations for the specific type on the given resource |
Response Type | JSON |
Add Associations to a
Attributes | Values |
HTTP Method | POST |
Request URI | /association?path={resource path} |
HTTP Request Header | Authorization: Bearer {OAuth access token} Content-Type: application/json |
Payload | [ { "target":"<target resource path>","type":"<association type>" } ] |
Description | It adds the array of associations passed as the payload for the source resource |
Response Type | JSON |
Delete an
Association on a
Given Resource
Attributes | Values |
HTTP Method | DELETE |
Request URI | /association?path={resource path}&type={association type}&target={target resource path} |
HTTP Request Header | Authorization: Bearer {OAuth access token} |
Description | It deletes the association between the source and target resources for the given association type. |
Response Type | JSON |