Versions Compared


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You can use the Maven Release plug-in to package and release your Developer Studio projects. As a practice, at the development stage of the project, it is the SNAPSHOT version of the artifacts that is used. This is similar to the next major/minor version to be released. For example, if the next planned release version is 1.1.0, it is 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT that is used for versioning in the development stage.

Follow the steps below to deploy WSO2 artifacts to a nexus repository:

Make sure you are using WSO2 Developer Studio 3.7.1 or upwards.
  1. In the pom.xml file, configure the SCM configuration. For example,

    Code Block
  2. Point to the nexus repository of the project. For example,

    Code Block
               <name>Internal Releases</name>
               <name>Internal Snapshot Releases</name>
  3. Configure with the wso2-release-helper-plugin and tag base. For example,

    Code Block

    Note that the wso2-release-pre-prepare-plugin is now deprecated since the plug-in only supported svn and provided no support for rollbacks, dryRun mode etc.  

  4. Execute the mvn release:prepare command inside the Maven Multi Module project. Give appropriate values for release, development, and tag versions when prompted.
  5. Execute the mvn release:perform command inside the Maven Multi Module project.
