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A datasource provides information that a server can use to connect to a database or to an external data store. There are two ways of creating datasources for your server as explained belowThe topics given below explain the ways in which new datasources can be created and edited in WSO2 products.

titleDatasources for Services data services and Resources

This section of the documentation explains how datasources are defined and used at the server level, i.e., how the product server connects to databases or external data stores using datasources. For information on how datasources can be defined inline for each data service, see the documentation on creating data service using various datasources.



Datasources created using the management console as explained below can later be used for defining data services. When defining data services, you also have the option of using the common datasources such as Excel, CSV etc., in addition to RDBMS and custom datasource. See the documentation on generating data services using a given database structure and creating data services using various datasources for more information.

Table of Contents

Creating datasources using the management console

The following feature in the WSO2 Feature Repository allows you to manage datasources using the management console of your product:


If this feature is not included in your product by default, you can install it using the Feature Management section of this documentation. With this feature, you can add any RDBMS datasource or your own custom datasources using the management console, which can later be edited or deleted for your product instance if required. Note that all datasources created using the management console are saved to the registry of your product. The steps for creating datasources are discussed in the following topics:

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Creating datasources using configuration files

In all WSO2 products, you also have the option of creating datasources be simply creating a configuration file with the datasource information and storing it in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/datasources/ directory. For example, all WSO2 products are shipped with the default WSO2_CARBON_DB database, and the datasource that is used to connect to this database is defined in the master-datasources.xml file stored in the datasources folder. You can also create your own custom datasources by creating configuration files and storing them in the same folder. For example, see the custom-datasources.xml file. The datasources defined using configuration files can be viewed using the management console if the datasource management feature is installed. 

Editing Datasources

When adding an RDBMS datasource, be sure to copy the JDBC driver JAR file for your database to <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/components/lib.


Editing datasource information

After datasources are created (either using the management console or by creating a separate configuration file), you can access them by clicking Data Sources on the Configure tab of the management console as shown below. 
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 You can also edit and delete the datasources that are saved in the registry (i.e. datasources created using the management console). However, you cannot edit or delete the datasources that are added using configuration files in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/datasources/ directory using the management console. For example, to modify the default <WSO2_CARBON_DB> datasource, you have to change the master-datasources.xml file.