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When tuning the datasource connection pool, the following parameters should be considered


you configure datasource connections, ensure that the parameters relevant to connection pooling are tuned according to your production environment. Consider the following when tuning:

  • The application's concurrency requirement


  • .


  • The average time taken to run a database query.


  • The maximum number of connections the database server can support.

The goal for of tuning the pool properties is to maintain a pool which that is large enough to handle the peek peak load to the datasource but it should not utilize resources unnecessarilywithout unnecessarily utilising resources. The following properties are the highly used and , important .properties:

Property NameHow to tuneTune
Min. IdleConfigure this to match the expected minimum concurrency. The default value is 0.
Max. IdleThe value should be less that than the Max. Active value. For high performance, tune Max. Idle to match the number of average, concurrent requests to the pool. If this value is set to a large value, the pool will contain lot of unnecessary idle connections unnecessarily.
Max. Active

If the

       The maximum latency (approximately) = (P / M) * T ,


  • M = Max. Active value
= M       The peek
  • P = Peak concurrency value
  • T =
  • Time (average) taken to
complete to
  • process a query
= tThen the maximum latency (approximately) = (P/M)t
  • .

Therefore, by increasing the Max. Active value (up to the expected highest number of concurrency), the time that requests wait in the queue for a connection to be released will decrease. But before increase increasing the Max. Active value, consult the database administrator, as it creates a tread off by taking up system resources unnecessarilywill create up to Max.Active connections at burst times from a single node, and it may not be possible for the DBMS to handle the accumulated count of these active connections.

Max. Wait

Adjust this value to a value slightly higher than the maximum latency for a request.

ie.  Max. That is, Max. Wait = (P / M) t * T + buffer time.

Validation QuerySet "Validation Query" to a simple test query like SELECT 1.
Test On BorrowWhen the connection to the database is broken, the connection pool does not know that the connection has been lost. As a result, the connection pool still will continue to distribute connections to the application until the application actually tries to use the connection. To resolve this problem set Test , set "Test On Borrow" to "true" and make sure that the "Validation Query" property is set.

This parameter allows to control how frequently a given validation query is executed. By default it is set to 30 seconds. Deciding the value for the

validationInterval property is bit tricky

"validationInterval" depends on the target application behavior. If a larger


value is set, the frequency


of executing the Validation Query is

executed is low and hence we can gain better performance, while with smaller values a stale connection being presented

low, which results in better performance (but for values larger than several seconds, this becomes negligible, as the validation query usually executes very fast). With a smaller value, a stale connection will be identified quickly when it is presented.This maybe required for systems where the connections should be instantly repaired in a case like a database server restart. Therefore, selecting a value for the this property is a trade-off and ultimately depends on what is acceptable for the application.

Apart from tuning the pool, the following properties are used to diagnose the pool when there is an a connection leak is observed.

Property NameHow to configure
Remove AbandonedSet this property to "true" if we you wish to detect leaked connections.
Remove Abandoned TimeoutThe value should be set to the longest running query that the applications might have.
Log AbandonedSet this property to "true" if we you wish to log when the connection was abandoned. If this option is set to "true", a stack trace is recorded during the dataSource.getConnection call and is printed when a connection is not returned.