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The user registration form, which is also known as the sign up form, is generated using claims and is primarily used to gather information of users who are using a given service or product. The user information which is used by ES. As the information required by business entities will differ based on their strategies. , WSO2 ES facilitates the option for the administrator to customize the registration form to suite the entities business requirements.


The As ES is built on top of WSO2 Carbon. The , the user registration form is populated by claims which are mapped through WSO2 Carbon.

By default the ES user registration form include the following fields:

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There are several claims configurations in Carbon; however, only the following default Carbon claim dialect is used for self signup (registration) in ES:

The following screenshot depicts the fields in the default ES user registration form.

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Customizing the user registration form

The user registration form can be customized in any of the following methods:

  • Adding a new claim mapping
    This allows you to add a new field in the user registration form. When adding the claim mapping for the new claim, you need to select the required checkbox, so that the claim will appear as a field in the user registration form.
  • Editing a claim mapping
    If you wish to edit the fields in the user registration form (such as, change the order or a field, hide a field etc.), then you can edit the respective claim mappings, which correspond to those fields in the user registration form.
  • Deleting a claim mapping
    If you do not want a certain field to permanently appear in the user registration form, then can delete the claim mapping that corresponds to that field.


Adding a new claim mapping

Follow the instructions below to add a new claim mapping:

  1. Log into the ES Management Console.

  2. Click Configure
  3. Click On the Main menu, click Claim Management.



    In WSO2 ES the is used to configure the registration form and it is the default dialect being used by WSO2 Carbon.

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    Working with claims: 
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    Adding a new claim:

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    The claim mappings that correspond to the selected claim dialect appears.
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  5. Click Add New Claim Mapping to add a new claim mapping that does not already exist.
  6. Fill

    Enter the details required in the NEW CLAIM DETAILS form.


    The fields related to claim details are explained as follows:

    • Display Name: This is the name of the claim displayed on the UI. 

    • Description: This gives you the option to describe the functionality of the claim.

    • Claim Uri: This is the URI defined under the dialect, specific to the claim. There are different URIs available in Carbon and these equate to user attributes displayed in the profile of users. These URIs are mapped to the attributes in the underlying user store.

    • Mapped Attribute: This is the corresponding attribute name from the underlying user store that is mapped to the Claim Uri value. When you have multiple user stores connected to ES, this maps the equivalent attribute in all of

    the NEW CLAIM DETAILS form.
    • them to the Claim Uri you are configuring. For example, if you specify the cn attribute, this is mapped to the cn attribute in all the connected user stores. If you want to specify the attribute in a specific user store, you must add the domain name in addition to the mapped claim. For example, in a scenario where you have a primary user store configured called PRIMARY and secondary user stores called AD (representing Active Directory) and JDBC, you can map an attribute from each of these user stores to the Claim Uri value by entering them in a semi-colon separated list. In this example, your Mapped Attribute value would read as follows: PRIMARY/attribute1;AD/attribute2;JDBC/attribute3.

    • Regular Expression: This is the regular expression used to validate inputs for this claim.

    • Display Order: This enables you to specify the order in which the claim is displayed, among the other claims defined under the same dialect.

    • Supported by Default: If unchecked, this claim will not be prompted during user registration.

    • Required: This specifies whether this claim is required for user registration. The claim will only appear in the user registration form if this field is checked.

    • Read-only: This specifies whether the claim once added at the time of registration can or can not be modified later when updating user details. If a claim is read-only, ES will not allow you to update the field corresponding to it when updating the corresponding user's details.

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  7. Click Add to add the new claim mapping. Image RemovedEditing

Editing a claim mapping

Follow the instructions below to update a claim mapping:

  1. Log into the ES Management Console.

  2. On the Main menu, click Claim Management.
  3. Click 

    Edit, corresponding  under AVAILABLE CLAIM DIALECTS. The claim mappings that correspond to the selected claim dialect appears.

  4. Click Edit corresponding to the claim mapping that you


    want to edit.

  5. Edit the required fields of in the UPDATE CLAIM DETAILS form. Check Required to get the respective field on the registration form.
    Uncheck Required to remove the respective field from the registration form.
    Currently the filed named country is not on the ES registration form, by checking Required it will be included on the registration form.Note that the claim Uri can not be updated.
    Insert excerpt
    Customizing the User Registration Form
    Customizing the User Registration Form
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  6. Click Update to save the changes made.
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    Navigate to the ES store front or back office (publisher) registration page and refresh the Store or Back Office (Publisher) and click Register to access the registration page. Thereafter, refresh the registration page to view the customized registration form .
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  1. with the newly added customizations.
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Deleting a claim mapping

Follow the instructions below to delete a claim mapping:

  1. Log into the ES Management Console.

  2. On the Main menu, click Claim Management.
  3. Click under AVAILABLE CLAIM DIALECTS. The claim mappings that correspond to the selected claim dialect appears.

  4. Click Remove claim mapping corresponding to the claim that you want to delete.
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  5. Click yes to delete the selected claim mapping.