com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.


Asset type icon

In ES, there are icons which are used to define the various asset types. These icons are known as asset type icons.


A claim is a piece of information about a particular subject. The Claim Management component of the WSO2 Carbon enables to map a set of attributes from the underlying user store to a set of defined claims. The underlying user store can be either the external user store or the internal user store. A set of claims are identified as a dialect. Different dialects represents the same piece of information with different claim URIs. You can use the the Claim Management component, to map these different claims with the attributes of the user which are associated with his/her profile.


Create, read, update and delete


All of the views found in the Store and Publisher also consists of a number nested smaller views. Each of these views are referred to as a partial, which is defined in a .hbs  file (e.g., header.hbs).

Port offset

The port offset feature allows you to run multiple WSO2 products, multiple instances of a WSO2 product, or multiple WSO2 product clusters on the same server or virtual machine (VM). The port offset defines the number by which all ports defined in the runtime such as the HTTP/S ports will be offset. For example, if the HTTP port is defined as 9763 and the portOffset is 1, the effective HTTP port will be 9764. Therefore, for each additional WSO2 product, instance, or cluster you add to a server, set the port offset to a unique value (the default is 0).

Port offset can be passed to the server during startup as follows:
./ -DportOffset=3

Alternatively, you can set it in the Ports section of <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xml as follows:


This is a file extension, which is referred to as registry extension files. The RXT file is an XML file, which is used to define the new Metadata model artifact as a resource to the registry in the Enterprise Store.


com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.