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Step 1 - Overview

Details of the first step in the process of creating a web application in WSO2 App Manager are described below. Follow the steps below to complete the Overview section of creating a new web application in App Manager.

Adding a web application to App Manager does not mean that you are hosting it in App Manager. You can host it in any server and the URL is exposed through App Manager.

  1. Enter details of the web app in the Overview section as follows. 
    Overview section of creating a new Web app

    When adding a web application, the details that you need to enter in the Overview section are described below.




    AuthorThe user who creates the application. The logged in user is automatically applied as the author.


    The name that appears when the app is published.

    Display NameName of the app, which is displayed in the App Store.


    Sub context of the web application. Gateway URL of the web application will contain this context.


    Version of the web application. Users can have multiple versions of the same web application. The version appears in the gateway URL.
    TransportsThe transport protocol used. Select http or https.
    Web App URL

    URL of the web application. This URL is considered as the landing page of the web application.

    DescriptionA short description, which will be displayed when the app is published.
    ThumbnailA thumbnail image for the web app.
    BannerA banner image for the web app.
    TagsRelated tags of the web app. For instructions on adding tags to web apps, see associating tags to applications.
  2. For instructions on step 2 of the process in creating a web app in App Manager, see Step 2 - Policies.