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Step 4 - Advanced Configuration

Details of the fourth step in the process of creating a Web application in WSO2 App Manager are shown below. 

advanced configuration


Follow the steps below to complete the Claims section of creating a new Web application in App Manager. For more information on defining claims, see Claim Management.

  1. Select the defined claims that you want to associate with the app from the Available Claims list as  shown below. For instructions on defining claims for the admin user, see Defining claims.
    add claims
  2. Click Add Claim. You see the added claim in the Selected Claims list as shown below.



    For instructions on sending the claims selected above to the backend using JWT, see Passing Enduser Attributes to the Backend Using JWT.

Defining claims

Follow the steps below to add claims as attributes to the admin user profile in App Manager. 

For more information on adding claims as attributes of a user profile, see Claim Management.

  1. Log in to the management console using the following URL with admin/admin credentials: https://<IP_ADDRESS>:9443/carbon/  
  2. Click Configure, and then click Claim Management.
  3. Click, and then click Add New Claim Mapping.
  4. Add the required claims. For an example, enter the details as shown below to add the claim for the first name.
    add new claims to admin user

OAuth2 Key Manager Configuration

You can define OAuth2 key manager configurations when creating a Web app in the App Publisher as shown below.

 OAuth2 key manager configurations 

Enter the details of the Web application, which you are creating as described below.

API Token Endpoint URL of token endpoint used by the API.
API Consumer Key The consumer keys of the OAuth API.
API Consumer Secret The consumer secret keys of the OAuth API.
API Name Alias name of the API.    

For more information on the above OAuth2 parameters, see Obtaining an OAuth2 Token by Providing a SAML Token.

After creating the Web app, authorized users can review, approve, and publish the Web application. For more information, see Web Application Lifecycle Management.