A business process is typically a collection of related and structured activities or tasks, that depicts a business use case and produces a specific service or output. For example, a banking customer requesting a bank load and getting loan approval is a simple process. An instance of this process is a specific example of this process workflow. So, Mr. Smith requesting for 50,000 USD and getting approval for it is an instance of the "bank loan approval" process. Every time a banking customer makes a request for a loan, that request triggers a new process instance in the BPM system, which flows through the elements of the process workflow according to its design.
At a particular time, there can be numerous instances of a single process. Follow the instructions below to access process instances.
1. Log in to the management console and select "Business Processes -> Instances" in the "Main" menu.
2. The "Instances Created" window opens.
- Instance ID:
- Process ID:
- Status:
- Date Started:
- Last Active:
- Total Instances:
- Actions:
3. Click on an Instance ID to view "Instance Information". For example,
The following details can be accessed:
Instance Information
Details of the process instance as described above.
Root Scope Information
- Scope ID:
- Scope Name:
- Status:
- Variables:
Activity Information
4. In the "Instances Created" window opens.