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When managing devices the administrator must be notified of events occurring on the user's devices that reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of the tasks performed by a device, so that he/she can take immediate action and correct it. For example, if a cooperate application is utilizing a high CPU or memory percentage, you as the admin can stop that application from running or uninstall and re-install the application again on the user's device.

In WSO2 EMM all such events are captured and published to WSO2 Data Analytics Server (WSO2 DAS). In this section, let's take a look at how WSO2 EMM creates alerts to report critical issues.

Step 1: Enabling the existing event listeners.

  1. Open the Constants.java file that is in the org.wso2.emm.agent.utils package via a preferred IDE.
  2. Assign true as the value for the ENABLE_EVENT_LISTENING property that is in the EventListners class.

    Why is this step needed?

     The ENABLE_EVENT_LISTENING property is a global configuration and it needs to enabled in order to enable event listening

  3. Enable the preferred listeners.

Step 2: Writing a new event listener.

In this section, let's look at how a new event can be captured from the Android agent and published to WSO2 DAS.


 Download and install Android Studio. For more information, see installing Android Studio.

  1. Open the Android agent source code in Android studio.
    The event related logic is included in the org.wso2.emm.agent.events package. It has the following folder structure.
    [image of project structure to be added here]
  2. Implement the AlertEventListener interface in the org.wso2.emm.agent.events.listeners package.

     Click here for more information on the methods used in the AlertEventListener interface.

    The following methods are used:

    • startListening() - This method is used to start listening to an event broadcasted by the OS. In case of a polling based check, this method can be called by the onReceive method of the AlarmReceiver.
    • stopListening() - Stop a receiver or an alarm can be done here
    • publishEvent(String payload) - Publishing data to EMM can be handled here.


    AlertEventListener interface
    package org.wso2.emm.agent.events.listeners;
     * This is used to define any new events that needs to be captured and sent to server.
    public interface AlertEventListener {
         * This can be used to start listening to a specific broadcast receiver.
         * Another usage would be, when there is an event that doesn't do a broadcast. For example
         * Application exceeding 75% of CPU is not broadcasted by default from the Android OS. Only way
         * to catch it is by constantly polling a specific API and check for the status. In such a
         * situation, AlarmManager can call startListening on it onReceiver method to do the polling on
         * an API.
        void startListening();
         * If in case, listening to a specific receiver need to be done here. This can be a place to,
         * stop an AlarmManager.
        void stopListening();
         * This is where publishing data to EMM/DAS would happen. This can ideally be called from
         * an onReceive method of a BroadcastReceiver, or from startListening method to inform the
         * results of a polling.
         * @param payload JSON string payload to be published.
         * @param type type of the alert being published.
        void publishEvent(String payload, String type);
  3. Create a new class in the org.wso2.emm.agent.events.listeners package, extend it from BroadcastReceiver, and implement the AlertEventListener interface.

    public class ApplicationStateListener extends BroadcastReceiver implements AlertEventListener {}
  4. Capturing events. There are two ways to capture the events as listed below:
    1. Listen to events broadcasted by the Android OS.

       Click here for more information.

      This section provides information on how to listen and capture events that are broadcasted by the Android OS.


      Prior knowledge on the Android Broadcast Receivers will help you understand the concept clearly, as WSO2 EMM uses it to listen to the events. For more information, see BroadcastReceiver.

      Follow the steps given below to configure WSO2 EMM, to listen to the broadcasted events:

      1. Register the receiver in the startListening() method of the AlertEventListener interface, in the class you created in the org.wso2.emm.agent.events.listeners package.


        public void startListening() {
          EventRegistry.context.registerReceiver(this, intentFilter);
      2. When an event is received the onReceive method that is in the org.wso2.emm.agent.events.listeners package will be notified. At that point you need to extract the data from the intent and populate the bean with the data.

        The Bean classes are located in the org.wso2.emm.agent.events.beans package.

      3. Convert the data populated by the bean to a JSON string using the CommonUtils.toJSON(beanInstance).

        ApplicationStatus applicationState = new ApplicationStatus();
        String appState = CommonUtils.toJSON(applicationState);
      4. Publish the data to WSO2 EMM by calling the publishEvent method.  For this you need to configure the publish method so that it calls the HttpDataPublisher.

        public void publishEvent(String payload, String type) {
         EventPayload eventPayload = new EventPayload();
         HttpDataPublisher httpDataPublisher = new HttpDataPublisher();
      5. Optionally, if you wish to publish data to a different server other than WSO2 EMM or use a different protocol, you can do so by writing a new data publisher.
        Implement the DataPublisher interface that is in the package org.wso2.emm.agent.events.publisher, to write the new data publisher.

         Click here to see a sample that is written to listen to application changes on the device, such as application installs, uninstalls, upgrades, and data clearing.
         * Listening to application state changes such as an app getting installed, uninstalled,
         * upgraded and data cleared.
        public class ApplicationStateListener extends BroadcastReceiver implements AlertEventListener {
            private static final String TAG = ApplicationStateListener.class.getName();
            public void startListening() {
                IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
                EventRegistry.context.registerReceiver(this, intentFilter);
            public void stopListening() {
                if (EventRegistry.context != null) {
                public void publishEvent(String payload, String type) {
                    EventPayload eventPayload = new EventPayload();
                    HttpDataPublisher httpDataPublisher = new HttpDataPublisher();
            public void onReceive(Context context, final Intent intent) {
                String status = null;
                ApplicationStatus applicationState;
                switch (intent.getAction()) {
                    case Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED:
                        status = "added";
                    case Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED:
                        status = "removed";
                    case Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REPLACED:
                        status = "upgraded";
                    case Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED:
                        status = "dataCleared";
                        Log.i(TAG, "Invalid intent received");
                if (status != null) {
                    String packageName = intent.getData().getEncodedSchemeSpecificPart();
                    applicationState = new ApplicationStatus();
                    try {
                        String appState = CommonUtils.toJSON(applicationState);
                        publishEvent(appState, Constants.EventListners.APPLICATION_STATE);
                        if (Constants.DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED) {
                            Log.d(TAG, appState);
                    } catch (AndroidAgentException e) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "Could not convert to JSON");
      6. Open the AndroidManifest.xml file that is in the <EMM_Android_agent>/client/src/main folder, and  add a new receiver. The name of the receiver should be the same as the listener class you created in step 1.

        <receiver android:name=".events.listeners.ApplicationStateListener">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED" />
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED" />
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED" />
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED" />
                <data android:scheme="package"/>

        Now you have set up the listener.

      7. Call the startListening method from the register method, to register the listener. The register method is in the EventRegistry class.

        For more information on the default configuration, see EventRegistry.java file.


        public void register() {
            // First, check if event listening is enabled. If yes, check each event that is enabled and
            // start event listening.
            if (Constants.EventListners.EVENT_LISTENING_ENABLED) {
                if (Constants.EventListners.APPLICATION_STATE_LISTENER) {
                    // If the listener is implementing broadcast listener, calling start listener
                    // should start listening for events.
                    ApplicationStateListener applicationState = new ApplicationStateListener();
                if (Constants.EventListners.RUNTIME_STATE_LISTENER) {
                    // If the event is running on a scheduled polling, it is only necessary to schedule
                    // the alarm manager. If the same DEFAULT_START_TIME and DEFAULT_INTERVAL
                    // can be used for any new event, there is no need to create a new
                    // scheduled alarm here.

    2. Poll an API to check for event changes that are not broadcasted continuously by the Android OS.

       Click here for more information.

      Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


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