The WSO2 Open Banking solution consists of the following main components:
WSO2 Open Banking API Manager (WSO2 OB APIM)
WSO2 Open Banking Key Manager (WSO2 OB KM)
Additionally, you can integrate the following components according to your requirements:
Component | Fulfilling requirement |
WSO2 API Manager Analytics (WSO2 APIM ANALYTICS) | For API analytics statistics |
WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI) | Integrator profile to integrate with the existing bank backends |
WSO2 Enterprise Integrator Business Process Server (WSO2 EI BPS) | Business Process Server Profile to enable workflows |
WSO2 Open Banking Business Intelligence (WSO2 OB BI) | For API analytics statistics and to integrate Transaction Risk Analysis, Fraud Detection, Data Reporting and Business Insights |
In a standalone setup, these components are deployed in a single server. However, in a typical production environment, it is recommended to deploy the components in separate servers (distributed setup) for better performance.
Given below is an example of a distributed setup of basic open banking solution:
Explore the following topics to learn how to download, install, run, and get started with WSO2 Open Banking.