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Adding a Server Role

WSO2 Identity Server has a default Server Role value of IdentityServer. You can also add other Server Roles to the list. The following Server Roles are available:

  • WSO2 AppServer - ApplicationServer
  • WSO2 BAM - BusinessActivityMonitor
  • WSO2 BPS - BusinessProcessServer
  • WSO2 BRS - BusinessRulesServer
  • WSO2 DSS - DataServicesServer
  • WSO2 ESB - EnterpriseServiceBus
  • WSO2 GS - GadgetServer
  • WSO2 IS - IdentityServer
  • WSO2 MS - MashupServer

See more information about Server Roles here.

Follow the instructions below to add a new Server Role to the WSO2 Identity Server.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the Management Console.

2. Click the "Configure" button to access the "Configure" menu.

3. In the "Configure" menu of "Identity Server Management Console," click on "Server Roles" to access the "Configure Services" page.

4. Click "Add New Server Role" on the "Server Roles" page.

5. Enter the Server Role's name.

6. Click on the "Add" button.

7. A new Server Role is added to the list.

From here, you can delete a Server Role.